Prospects for growth of Romanian furniture exports after participation in MEBEL MOSCOW 2019

National Pavilions

15 furniture manufacturers from Romania exhibited their products at the 31st edition of the most important furniture and design exhibition in the Russian Federation, MEBEL, held in Moscow from 18 to 22 November 2019.

AMIK WOODEN TOYS, AXM PROD 93, ECOSILVA PROD COM SERV, HORA, MOBEX , PURE HOME COLLECTIONS, RESETAR M, RETALLIS INTERIORS, SIMEX DESIGN, SOPHIA 2004, SARMEXIN, FAMEX, CNC PLASMA FENCE, CARO JIBOU, MOZAIC VITRALII presented, in the national stand of Romania, furniture for dwellings executed in classic and art style, contemporary furniture made of solid wood, upholstered furniture, musical instruments, textile decorations, artistic mosaic paintings and stained glass windows, wrought iron furniture. The Romanian companies that exhibited in the national stand emphasized the design and quality of the products presented to visitors, using quality raw materials, ecological materials, innovative finishes, a variety of styles and products with high added value, which attracted a significant number of people really interested in cooperation with Romanian producers. Classic style furniture and art presented by the manufacturing companies that have previously exported to the Russian Federation is still appreciated by partners and buyers. Also, products exhibited by 8 companies participating in MEBEL for the first time aroused the interest of the fair visitors.

More than 800 companies have shown interest in Romanian furniture products; 632 of them visited the stands of Romanian producers for the first time. Most visitors were from Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Ukraine, Dagestan, Chechnya, Tajikistan, China, France. According to representatives of the companies participating in MEBEL, the estimated value of contracts that could be concluded by the Romanian companies on the results of their contacts at the Moscow fair is 3,283,500 euros.

The resumption of Romania's presence with the national flag at MEBEL 2018, after a 4-year absence, was immediately felt in the export figures recorded. In the first 7 months of 2019, Romanian furniture exports to the Russian Federation increased by 42% compared to the same period of the previous year. Moreover, the manager of one of the Romanian companies, who participated for the first time in the Moscow exhibition in 2018, namely CAREL WOODWORKS, understanding the possibilities of selling Romanian furniture based on the Russian market demand, opened an outlet in Moscow this year, inviting other Romanian producers to join this initiative.

This is another proof of the fact that Romanian furniture is appreciated internationally and is in demand on the external market, and Romania's presence with national stand at MEBEL Moscow is imperative, so that Romanian companies could preserve the place they have taken on the world market, strengthen commercial links with existing or newly contacted collaborators and to be able to find new customers.

The participation of Romanian furniture companies in the Mebel exhibition in Russia was made possible thanks to the Romanian Furniture Manufacturers Association and the Ministry of Economy, Energy and Business Environment and was carried out with support from the state budget through the National Export Promotion Program.

National Pavilions

Diploma of Honor for the best quality and business tradition on the Russian market for the SIMEX brand

DUMITRU BLAGA, VICE-President of APMR, General Manager SIMEX: "It is the only exhibition in this area, where we can present our products successfully, where the phrase "MADE IN ROMANIA" is a serious brand identity guaranteeing quality. The international brand SIMEX was also awarded by the organizer of MEBEL, this year, with the Diploma of Honor for the best quality and tradition in business on the Russian market. The diploma was awarded to us during the exhibition. We are very keen to participate with national stand at MEBEL Moscow, because we have customers here, and the public in the Russian Federation appreciates the quality furniture produced in Romania. I am proud of Romania and delighted to have participated in this fair of strategic importance in trade relations with Russia."

MIHAI RESETAR, administrator RESETAR M: "I was pleasantly surprised by the organization of the event, both on the Russian side and on the Romanian side, through APMR. During the event we met and held discussions about the possibility of delivering furniture in the Russian Federation and countries such as Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Georgia and Armenia. We hope for a beneficial collaboration with the 45 potential partners we met at this exhibition."

MARINA CHILINCIUC, sales manager RETALLIS: "Last year, the organization was at a high level. We had a lot of visitors, we had discussions not only with our current partners, but also with other potential customers. We felt the lack of participation in this fair. After last year's exhibition, which we attended, our sales increased. We want to keep this fair on the list of those financed from the state budget, because it is one with tradition, beneficial to trade relations."

PIERRE BRUYERE, manager FAMEX PROD: "We are glad to have been present at MEBEL Moscow. This is the first time we have participated in an exhibition in Russia. We already have firm collaborations with new clients, architects and interior designers for furniture of hotels and restaurants."

GIOVANNI CUTOLO, plant general manager CARO INTERIORS: "Although for the first time in Moscow, we have the feeling that we will start collaborations with local retail stores. Our products have been appreciated. During the 5 days of the exhibition, 65 of the companies we came into contact with showed interest in working with us. We want to come back here in 2020, keep in touch with our customers, increase exports to the Russian market."

VLAD TOADER, chief operating officer AXM PROD '93: “Our company is participating in this fair for the first time. The interest shown by potential clients has been impressive and we look forward to participating next year."

AMIK ZOLTAN, administrator AMIK WOODEN TOYS: "The event was very successful for our company, given the large number of visitors many of them with concrete interestAt this fair we were contacted by companies specialized in the furniture equipment of kindergartens and schools, as well as furniture and toy shops. We very much want to be able to participate in the 2020 edition as well."

The article was prepared based on information provided by Gabriela Neculae, APMR representative at MEBEL Moscow.