Furniture business plan
According to researchers, by 2018 the share of domestically produced furniture in the country's markets will increase to 70%. This industry is one of the most dynamic today. The furniture business is capable of bringing in at least 40% of the annual profit, subject to the correct management and selection of the market. But for a quick start and confident success, you can't do without a well-thought-out business plan.
Furniture business business plan
Schematically, any business plan consists of a cost analysis and forecasting future profits to calculate the profitability and recoupment of the project. Thus, it is possible to accurately determine the scale of the future enterprise and the difficulties on the way of its formation.
Before starting to draw up a business plan, you need to clearly know the market niche, narrow specialization.
Production of specialized furniture for retail outlets or from a specific material; household upholstered or cabinet furniture; furniture for built-in appliances; restoration of furniture, including restoration of antique ones, can bring significant income.
Small firms offer customers additional services: custom furniture manufacturing, design assistance, assembly, delivery.
Another option is trade, and here the format of the store should be determined. It can be a small furniture store, an Internet resource, or a full-fledged store with an extensive range, or even a whole network. The furniture business can represent a full cycle from creation to sale to a specific buyer.
Therefore, in order to choose the right direction in a business plan, it is necessary to study the existing market, the range of furniture stores, legislative acts, changes in which can increase the growth of a certain market segment or, conversely, reduce it to a minimum.
Outdoor advertising, such as banners and billboards, can also attract customers. Tools such as booklets in stores, advertising in the press, participation in exhibitions are also good. These costs also need to be taken into account when drawing up a business plan. These are common features of the furniture industry. Now let's look at how business plans differ for different areas of this industry.
Furniture production business plan
So, the opening of a furniture production consists of a number of mandatory stages:
- selection of premises for the workshop;
- purchase of equipment
- production technology;
- selection of material suppliers;
- recruiting staff;
- sales.
For the functioning of a business, it must be registered with the state tax authorities. Usually they stop at individual entrepreneurs with a simplified taxation system. All these actions require certain capital investments, which will need to be included in the business plan.
Several premises will be required for the production of furniture:
- workshop with an area of at least 150 sq. m;
- warehouse with a minimum area of 200 m2;
- office space of about 100 sqm;
- retail space from 40 sq.m.
The larger the production, the larger the size of the premises for rent is required. All costs for renting or buying premises must be reflected in the business plan.
The purchase of equipment is a significant part of the investment. Depending on the type of production, serial machines or production lines will be needed. This item is also included in the cost estimate.
An important component is the purchase of a different type of transport.
High-quality components are needed to produce competitive furniture. The choice of suppliers of domestic and imported materials does not take place immediately. Over time, no more than ten proven and reliable companies remain. At the initial stage, it is better to calculate the maximum possible costs for materials, then, along with finding new suppliers, this point of the business plan is adjusted.
Furniture production requires a specific staff of 30-45 people:
- masters;
- fitters;
- joiners;
- glaziers.
The exact amount depends on the scale of production. We also need managers, storekeepers, movers, designers, managers, drivers, salespeople.
Employee salary costs are also included in the business plan.
It is important to take into account that at first the production is idle, until the distribution channels are established, the assortment is approved and other organizational issues are resolved. These costs are also included in the business plan.
Tax fees and any other mandatory payments are listed separately.
The income that should be reflected in the business plan includes receipts from the sale of furniture products. You can sell wholesale and retail, online or offline.
As shown by economic data, with the correct calculations of the business plan, competent marketing of manufactured products, the payback is up to three years.
Furniture store business plan with calculations
Èñõîäíûé òåêñòDlya otkrytiya mebel'nogo magazina i sostavleniya biznes-plana neobkhodimo opredelit'sya s formatom budushchego torgovogo mesta.
Sushchestvuyet neskol'ko variantov organizatsii tochek sbyta:
- magazin;
- vystavochnyy zal;
- gipermarket mebeli;
- spetsializirovannyy magazin;
- salon.
Assortiment mebel'nogo magazina – eto, kak pravilo, 250-300 naimenovaniy tovara sredney tsenovoy kategorii. Ploshchad', neobkhodimaya dlya raspolozheniya mebeli poryadka 500-800 kv.m. Predstavleny dolzhny byt' v polnom ob"yeme vse osnovnyye gruppy tovarov: mebel' dlya kukhni, stolovoy, zala, spal'ni, myagkaya, korpusnaya mebel'.
Vystavochnyy zal boleye dorogoy variant. Arenda zdes' vyshe i predstavlyayemaya mebel' dolzhna byt' dizaynerskaya ili eksklyuzivnaya, proizvodimaya na zakaz.
Gipermarket otlichayetsya shirochayshim assortimentom. Neobkhodimy bol'shiye ploshchadi dlya vystavleniya boleye tysyachi yedinits mebeli razlichnykh kategoriy.
Spetsializirovannyy magazin prodayet mebel' odnogo tipa: myagkuyu, kukhonnuyu, korpusnuyu, ofisnuyu.
Vybor formata zavisit ot nachal'nogo kapitala. Vazhno proanalizirovat' mestnyy rynok i nalichiye konkurentov, v tom chisle v vide krupneyshikh mirovykh predstaviteley.
Naiboleye vygodnym po provedennym podschetam yavlyayetsya otkrytiye standartnogo mebel'nogo magazina.
V biznes-plane k pervonachal'nym raskhodam otnosyat:
- remont, reklamnaya vyveska – poryadka 40-45% obshchego byudzheta;
- raskhody na zakupku tovara sostavyat 45%;
- oborotnyye sredstva – ostavshiyesya 15-20% poydut na oplatu arendy pervykh mesyatsev, zarabotnuyu platu sotrudnikov.
Natsenka na mebel' sostavlyayet okolo 40% ot zakupochnoy stoimosti, a chistaya pribyl' otsenivayetsya v 7%.
Raschotnyy srok okupayemosti poryadka dvukh let pri startovom kapitale v 3 milliona rubley.
Biznes-plan mebel'nogo tsekha
Pri sostavlenii biznes-plana na otkrytiye tsekha po proizvodstvu mebeli sleduyet priderzhivat'sya neskol'kikh etapov.
Vo-pervykh, vybrat' proizvodstvennoye pomeshcheniye. Ono dolzhno vmeshchat' krupnogabaritnoye oborudovaniye i neskol'ko razdelennykh tsekhov:
- tsekh so stankami i oborudovaniyem;
- tsekh sborki;
- malyarnyy tsekh;
- sushilka;
- sklad materialov i syr'ya;
- sklad gotovoy produktsii;
- komnaty dlya personala i priyema pishchi, dushevaya;
- administrativno-ofisnyye pomeshcheniya.
Osobyye trebovaniya k elektrike trekhfaznaya (380VT dlya vysokomoshchnykh stankov). Ploshchadi dlya tsekha mozhno kupit' ili arendovat', ot etogo vo mnogom zavisit raskhodnaya chast' biznes-plana.
Åù¸ 2656 / 5000 Ðåçóëüòàòû ïåðåâîäàTo open a furniture store and draw up a business plan, you need to decide on the format of the future retail space.
There are several options for organizing points of sale:
- shop;
- showroom;
- furniture hypermarket;
- specialty store;
- salon.
The assortment of a furniture store is, as a rule, 250-300 items of goods in the middle price category. The area required for the arrangement of furniture is about 500-800 sq.m. All main groups of goods should be presented in full: furniture for the kitchen, dining room, hall, bedroom, upholstered, cabinet furniture.
Showroom is a more expensive option. Rent is higher here and the presented furniture must be designer or exclusive, made to order.
The hypermarket has the widest assortment. Large areas are needed to display more than a thousand pieces of furniture of various categories.
A specialized store sells furniture of the same type: upholstered, kitchen, cabinet, office.
The choice of format depends on the initial capital. It is important to analyze the local market and the presence of competitors, including in the form of the world's largest representatives.
The most profitable, according to the calculations, is the opening of a standard furniture store.
In a business plan, upfront costs include:
- renovation, advertising sign - about 40-45% of the total budget;
- the cost of purchasing the goods will be 45%;
- working capital - the remaining 15-20% will be used to pay rent for the first months, employees' salaries.
The markup for furniture is about 40% of the purchase price, and the net profit is estimated at 7%.
The estimated payback period is about two years with a start-up capital of 3 million rubles.
Furniture workshop business plan
When drawing up a business plan for opening a furniture manufacturing workshop, several stages should be followed.
First, select a production area. It should accommodate large equipment and several separated workshops:
- workshop with machines and equipment;
- assembly shop;
- paint shop;
- dryer;
- warehouse of materials and raw materials;
- warehouse for finished products;
- staff and dining rooms, shower room;
- administrative and office premises.
Special requirements for electrics three-phase (380W for high-power machines). The premises for the workshop can be bought or rented, the expenditure part of the business plan largely depends on this.
All rooms must be well heated, dry and ventilated. This is necessary for the best possible preservation of quality material. It is important to have water supply, sewerage, fire safety. Quite often, significant sums are spent to resolve issues related to the approval of all these points. This is important to consider in your business plan.
Secondly, it is necessary to reflect the cost of a minimum set of equipment:
- various types of machines: planing, thicknessing, milling, drilling and grooving, turning and milling, grinding, format-sawing;
- dyeing equipment;
- hand tools, screwdrivers, hammer drills.
Thirdly, you need to develop a production technology. It includes several stages. Project development, parts procurement, material cutting, processing and assembly. All this also cannot be done for free
Fourthly, it is important to select competent personnel and establish a sales market and reliable suppliers. Workers have to get paid every month, and advertising is important for marketing. All this data is reflected in the business plan. In this case, even roughly speaking about the level of costs is difficult, it all depends on the volume, equipment and plans of the shop managers.
Furniture showroom business plan
A furniture showroom is created to sell products from one manufacturer or one direction, such as kitchen sets or upholstered furniture.
The furniture showroom business plan consists of the following highlights:
- rent and maintenance of retail space;
- purchase of equipment;
- advertising;
- transportation costs;
- employee salaries.
Depending on the size of your starting capital, you can start with middle-class furniture.
The production and sale of furniture is profitable and brings a stable income with a correct analysis of the existing market and the possibilities for its development in the near future.
Successful and large representatives of the furniture business participate in the Mebel exhibition at the Expocentre Fairgrounds in Moscow .