Furniture manufacturers Russia
Otechestvennyy rynok mebel'noy produktsii bystro razvivayetsya. Rossiyskoye proizvodstvo mebel'noy produktsii yavlyayetsya odnim iz konkurentosposobnykh, na nem predstavleny izdeliya srednikh i melkikh i dovol'no krupnykh kompaniy.
Po podschetam spetsialistov, vyruchka ot prodazhi mebeli sostavlyayet ne men'she 180 milliardov rubley v god. Podrobnyy obzor rasskazhet ob osnovnykh predpriyatiyakh otrasli.
Spisok krupnykh proizvoditeley mebeli v Rossii
Sovremennaya mebel'naya produktsiya v Rossii ne ustupayet po kachestvu importnym analogam, proizvoditeli seychas predlagayut pokupatelyam produktsiyu namnogo vysshego kachestva, chem iz MDF ili DSP i massiva dereva, – eto mebel' s elementami natural'nogo granita, metalla ili stekla, drugogo neobychnogo materiala.
V protsesse proyektirovaniya zakazyvaya izgotovleniye mebeli na 3D modeli mozhno rassmotret' vse yeye elementy, ponyat', kak ona budet sochetat'sya s inter'yerom vashego doma.
Promyshlennyye dizaynery voploshchayut v zhizn' posledniye tendentsii v mire mebel'nykh trendov. Vedushchiye fabriki Rossii predlagayut i drugiye uslugi, naprimer, izmeneniye tsveta i formy fasadov, zamenu furnitury, obivki, komplektatsii.
Sredi krupnykh mebel'nykh proizvodstv Rossii mozhno vydelit':
- fabriku «Shatura-mebel'», proizvodyashchuyu kachestvennuyu produktsiyu so stil'nym dizaynom;
- kholding «Triya» po proizvodstvu mebel'noy produktsii v Rossii zanimayet vtoruyu pozitsiyu. Kompaniya sozdayet funktsional'nuyu i kachestvennuyu produktsiyu s yevropeyskoy furnituroy. Osobennost'yu mebeli yavlyayetsya vozmozhnost' pokupki elementov komplekta, a, znachit, vybora garnitura tochno po razmeram svoyego pomeshcheniya;
- fabriku mebel'noy produktsii «Lazurit» iz Kaliningrada, kotoraya zanimayetsya korpusnoy mebel'yu iz ekologicheski bezopasnykh dlya zdorov'ya materialov;
- fabriku iz Yekaterinburga «Soyuz-mebel'» s shirokim assortimentom predmetov mebel'nogo garnitura (dlya vannykh komnat, detskoy komnaty, shkafov-kupe i prikhozhikh);
- kompaniyu «Premium», kotoraya vypuskayet mebel' dlya kukhni, spal'ni i gostinykh.
Proizvoditeli korpusnoy mebeli v Rossii
The domestic furniture market is developing rapidly. Russian furniture production is one of the most competitive, it presents products of medium and small and fairly large companies.
According to experts, the revenue from the sale of furniture is at least 180 billion rubles a year. A detailed overview will tell you about the main companies in the industry.
List of major furniture manufacturers in Russia
Modern furniture products in Russia are not inferior in quality to imported counterparts, manufacturers now offer customers products of much higher quality than from MDF or chipboard and solid wood - these are furniture with elements of natural granite, metal or glass, and other unusual materials.
In the design process, when ordering the manufacture of furniture on a 3D model, you can consider all its elements, understand how it will be combined with the interior of your home.
Industrial designers bring to life the latest trends in the world of furniture trends. Leading factories in Russia also offer other services, for example, changing the color and shape of facades, replacing fittings, upholstery, equipment.
Among the large furniture manufacturers in Russia:
- factory "Shatura-mebel", which produces quality products with stylish design;
- Tria holding in the production of furniture products in Russia occupies the second position. The company creates functional and quality products with European fittings. A feature of the furniture is the ability to purchase elements of a set, which means that you can choose a headset exactly according to the size of your room;
- furniture factory "Lazurit" from Kaliningrad, which deals with cabinet furniture from environmentally friendly materials;
- a factory from Yekaterinburg "Soyuz-mebel" with a wide range of furniture sets (for bathrooms, children's rooms, wardrobes and hallways);
- Premium company, which produces furniture for kitchens, bedrooms and living rooms.
Manufacturers of cabinet furniture in Russia
Manufacturers of cabinet furniture in Russia today adequately compete with foreign manufacturers of these products.
This is directly related to the fact that domestic enterprises offer:
- openness of contacts and availability in obtaining complete information on the product you like;
- the possibility of purchasing cabinet furniture at an affordable cost, which are in no way inferior to foreign counterparts;
- the opportunity to receive the entire range of services (measurements of the premises, custom-made headsets, warranty support of the goods).
Among the manufacturers of cabinet furniture, the following companies can be noted: "Silva", "Courage", "Glazkovskaya Fabrika".
Upholstered furniture manufacturers
Among manufacturers of upholstered furniture, buyers prefer furniture manufacturers with a good reputation, since these pieces of furniture are used to equip a central room (hall) in the house, a lounge, a living room, a home office.
In this segment of furniture products, we can mention the furniture factory "RIVAL". This factory produces a wide range of products: soft couches, sofas, armchairs and poufs, soft corners, furniture for the hall and living room.
The company "Borovichi-mebel" is also engaged in the manufacture of sofas and armchairs. Here you can choose from 17 options for upholstered furniture.
The Zhivye Divany factory from Noginsk, which specializes in the production of sofas and armchairs, deserves the attention of buyers.
Experts recommend Mebel-Holding for those who like to furnish the house with upholstered furniture made of natural wood with metal elements. Other furniture companies in Russia also operate in this segment: Shatura-mebel, Avangard, Allegro-classic.
Children's furniture manufacturers
For arranging a children's room, it is better to give preference to manufacturers who specialize in the production of this furniture. All items of children's furniture are subject to increased quality and safety requirements, the material must be environmentally friendly and durable.
Among the manufacturers of children's furniture are:
- the company "Children's Furniture 72", the head office is located in Tyumen, and products are produced by 40 factories in Russia;
- the Balam factory (Salavat), which specializes in the production of furniture for preschool institutions. The factory has organized a delivery service throughout the Russian Federation;
- the Bashkir factory "Knopka" from the city of Oktyabrsky specializes in the production of products for kindergartens. Products are presented in furniture stores throughout the country;
- Yaroff children's furniture can be found in many regions of the Russian Federation.
Kitchen furniture manufacturers
In every furniture showroom you can find items of furniture interior for the kitchen. Experts recognize the leadership in this segment of furniture products by the firm "Maria", which appeared on the market at the end of the 90s of the twentieth century.
The company is constantly updating its collections and provides customers with a choice between inexpensive furniture and an elite category of kitchen sets.
The manufacturer "Forema Kitchen" has been working on the Russian market for over 20 years. Experts use modern solutions for the implementation of kitchen facades and give a 7-year warranty.
Atlas Lux produces stylish kitchen furniture for different regions of Russia. Kitchen sets are highly durable.
Manufacturers of bathroom furniture
Bathroom furniture is a specific product that is used in high humidity conditions. Among the manufacturers, the trademarks Sanflor, Bricklayer, Aquanet can be noted. In addition to furniture, the companies offer branded sanitary ware and all the items that are necessary for decorating a bathroom.
The companies "Triton" and "Aquaton" are also engaged in the production of bathroom furniture. They offer a wide range of fittings for any bathroom size and arrange delivery.
Office furniture manufacturers
In Russia, office furniture is produced by both large companies and small firms. A large share of this segment is occupied by large companies that work to provide furniture for offices on an industrial scale.
The following companies and factories can be noted among manufacturers:
- The company from Tula "Expro", it produces furniture designs for the office in a stylish modern version, in separate series. The range of assortment is large, from furniture for the reception room and the head of the company to furniture structures for staff workplaces.
- The Rosvega factory from Ulyanovsk, in addition to office furniture, the company offers a range of products for sales areas and office buildings.
- Krasnodar factory "Korona-Lux" specializes in premium class office furniture.
- The private factory "Postformika" from Yekaterinburg produces furniture using high quality Italian equipment. The main specialization is custom-made furniture.
- "Indstyle", the city of St. Petersburg specializes in upholstered furniture for offices, all products are made & nbsp; on a metal or wooden frame.
Medical furniture manufacturers
Until recently, almost all medical furniture was imported to Russia, now this market segment has been mastered by domestic companies such as:
- Vologda OJSC "Optimekh" specializes in the supply of metal furniture structures to laboratories of hospitals and medical institutions. The range of products is very large, more than 150 models.
- Complex "ELEMENT", from LLC "Gefest" located in Yekaterinburg, produces shelving and metal furniture for medicine.
- The company "MEDDIZAIN", the city of Moscow, produces high quality medical furniture, individual orders are accepted. The assortment includes wardrobes, cabinets, armchairs, couches and other pieces of furniture. There is furniture for medical offices of narrow specialization.
- The Avista company from the Moscow region, the city of Reutov, performs work on standard orders.
- The Moscow company "GORSKOE" produces medical furniture of the "economy" class.
All of these companies are performing the difficult task of import substitution of medical furniture.
Wood furniture manufacturers
Successful companies producing stylish wooden furniture include:
- the company "FILD RAGE", specializing in the design of wooden furniture in the Moscow region, mostly handmade;
- Scandinavian style from WOODI furniture bureau.
According to many furniture studios, today it is not easy to compete with large manufacturers of wooden furniture: HOFF, IKEA. It is also necessary to take into account the cost of products of small furniture firms working with talented designers - these are piece products.
Manufacturers of metal furniture
Modern interior styles in a classic-style apartment will be perfectly complemented by metal furniture, it is suitable for both Gothic and modern styles.
In this direction of furniture production, such companies are active on the market as:
- the company "VERSTAKOFF", fulfills orders for the production of: racks, safes, industrial workbenches, - the buyers are factories and industrial production in Russia;
- "VERSIA" company, a wide range of metal furniture: for wardrobes, medical institutions, metal firefighting modules, storage rooms, other pieces of metal furniture;
- "Promet" company, industrial supply of metal furniture;
- the Moscow company METALL-ZAVOD, has warehouses in Moscow, produces a full range of metal furniture.
Camping furniture manufacturers
Necessary furniture for outdoor recreation (tent, sleeping bags, camping chairs, table) should be comfortable, lightweight, durable and easy to use. For durability, many models use POLYESTER 1200D fabric. The emphasis is on the production of folding structures for compactness during transportation.
Quality camping furniture is produced by companies: OUTWELL, EASY CAMP and other manufacturers.
Ratings of the best furniture manufacturers in Russia
There is healthy competition on the Russian furniture market, which is explained by the growth of manufacturing companies, as well as the expansion of the range of furniture products.
The buyer can now choose pieces of furniture set according to his taste and at a favorable cost.
The leader of Russian manufacturers is MK Shatura, this list of leading manufacturers can include:
- "Elektrogorsk-mebel";
- furniture holding "8 Marta";
- Dyatkovo company.
Also, among the leaders, the company "Shatura" is distinguished, which has been occupying the first positions in this segment of the country's market for about 50 years. This list is incomplete, almost every city in Russia has its own leaders in furniture production.
Furniture manufacturers at the exhibition
The Furniture exhibition at the Expocentre Fairgrounds is one of the largest events of this kind not only in Russia, but also in Europe. Here representatives of the furniture industry demonstrate new models and furniture designs, showing new trends in furniture fashion.
At the exhibition, the main direction of development of the furniture industry is set, partnership agreements are concluded. Manufacturers represent a wide range of products from budget options and "economy" class to luxury furniture items.
The scale of the event can be indicated by the preliminary list of participants, among which there are such Russian furniture manufacturers as:
- Arimax company;
- LLC "Avanti Trading House";
- Aquaton LLC;
- OOO VDM - group (Vertical);
- Russian Armchairs company;
- Production Association "Sofa Factory";
The Furniture Exhibition is not only an opportunity to showcase your products, but also to find new potential partners.