Furniture production technology
Comfortable living in a house or apartment is certainly associated with the furnishings of the room.
The use of new technologies for wood processing develops the methods of manufacturing furniture items and reduces the cost of finished products. The creation of new forms is influenced by fashion, as well as the needs of society for new aesthetic furniture designs.
Furniture board production technology
Furniture board is a sheet wood material that can be square or rectangular.
The technology of making the board consists in the process of gluing the prepared wooden blocks along the width, and in some cases, along the length of the bars. The width of the harvested bars can range from 10 millimeters to 50 millimeters.
In the manufacture of furniture boards in production, blanks from pine and spruce are used, boards from wooden bars of ash, beech, oak and birch are popular.
Technological stages of shield production include:
- blank preparation - drying;
- primary processing - facing;
- selection of rejected blanks and cutting of bars by width;
- removal of defective spots on workpieces;
- obtaining lamellas and joining blanks;
- calibration;
- gluing the board with an adhesive base;
- product grinding and calibration;
- getting the right size - trimming the shield.
Technology of gluing (gluing) furniture board
The ability to glue wood in the manufacture of a panel can significantly reduce the cost of material, while maintaining the high quality of the product.
When different types of wood are used in the production of panels, manufacturers divide finished products by types, which simplifies the formation of the cost of products. Different texture of wood allows you to make designer pieces of furniture set.
The advantages of this design:
- it is possible to emphasize the wood grain;
- no shrinkage in product geometry;
- wood products are natural and environmentally friendly;
- the ability to obtain a shield of the desired size.
The technology of gluing the board includes several stages: drying, processing of blanks, dissolving the material, processing defective areas, sizing and making lamellas, gluing and grinding the product, final obtaining the desired size and grinding it.
Coniferous woods reduce the cost of making a shield. In addition to conifers, oak products, birch boards with a moire pattern are popular.
Technologies of furniture production and facades
The furniture facade is the face of the finished product, which forms its value. The technology of manufacturing a furniture facade from solid wood is a complex, costly process that includes several stages.
Let's consider the stages of production of furniture facades in more detail:
- To adjust the moisture parameters, all structural parts are dried, this is done in a special chamber so that the wood does not receive cracks and other defects.
- Next, the furniture board is made according to the specified dimensions.
- Then, there is gluing of furniture boards.
- Then the blade is cut and processed along the entire perimeter, the product is profiled.
- For the facade strapping, the material is calibrated to obtain the required size planks with profiling of the edges. Curved surfaces are machined on a milling machine, you can give the frame any shape.
- Then, the furniture structure is assembled according to the previously prepared grooves in the frame. Often, the furniture panel is additionally decorated with stained-glass windows, glass inserts, blinds. For cabinets, a free flow of air is created in the furniture board.
- The last stage: all the elements of the furniture structure are attached to each other, and then the final polishing of the facade is carried out. The culmination of the milestones is the lacquer coating or painting of the facade.
Technology of painting and painting of furniture facades
Modern technologies allow the production of painted facades, as well as complement the products with painting.
Drawings on the facade of furniture can be applied in several ways: hand-painted (author's work), airbrushing or photo printing.
The technology of painting and painting on a furniture facade is as follows:
- preparation of the front side of the furniture structure for painting - surface priming;
- painting the front side with enamel paint;
- drawing a picture in one of the ways: airbrushing, art painting, photo printing;
- coating the facade in several layers with varnish.
Painted and painted facades can withstand temperature fluctuations and exposure to moisture, but require special care. Such products must not be cleaned with abrasive products; only helium-based household chemicals can be used.
Development of modern furniture technologies
Furniture technologies are developing every year. This is necessary to stimulate the industry, to make the manufactured goods of higher quality, and their design bright and unusual.
Modern furniture technologies also allow you to reduce manufacturing costs and use new methods of processing materials, etc.
If you pay attention to the original sources that led to the development of technologies and materials in furniture production, they go back to Ancient Egypt. Their craftsmen were actively engaged in new developments and created magnificent products. It was there that the development of furniture technology began. The reason for this was the need to replace expensive imported materials.
For this, various methods were used, as a result of which many prototypes of modern materials and technologies appeared:
- Use of glass and ceramics in the manufacture of furniture;
- Inlaid items with ivory, semiprecious stones;
- Leather, gilding;
- Manufacturing of metal fittings;
- Frame veneering with more valuable and expensive wood species;
- Use of braiding;
- Drawing with paints, etc.
Furniture technologies continue to evolve today. One of the main directions of this activity is the solution of the issue of environmental safety of production facilities and the products themselves. This is especially true in modern conditions, where the problem of environmental protection is very acute. Therefore, consumers are paying more and more attention to environmentally friendly and safe products.
Another topical issue is the use of natural and synthetic materials. These areas are constantly being developed, new materials appear.
Thanks to modern furniture technologies, synthetic materials are often not inferior in quality and safety to natural ones. Also, issues related to the facing and decoration of products are being resolved. Roll coating and inlay materials can be used.
The industry is constantly evolving. New processing methods and materials are emerging, such as metal veneer.
Modern furniture technologies of the south
At the present time, a huge assortment of the most diverse furniture is produced, which differs among themselves in design, the number of used parts, assemblies and materials, as well as production technology.
The need for a particular type of furniture product is directly related to its functional purpose, workmanship, design, which determines the type of production itself (individual, mass or serial).
In the case of individual production of furniture products, products are produced in an insignificant volume, and their re-release is not provided. All workshops work according to this principle, which fulfill special orders, making highly artistic furniture and other products.
Mass production of furniture is determined by the release of a large number of products. At the same time, there are no significant changes in the design over a long period of time. In most cases, such companies specialize in the production of a small assortment of furniture products that have a fairly high consumer demand.
Serial production can be characterized as the release of large batches of furniture, constantly repeating according to a previously known production plan. Almost all furniture companies adhere to this scheme. Depending on the number of products manufactured, such production is classified into small, medium and large batch.
Southern furniture technologies are determined on the basis of design technological features and individual stages of production. They may differ from each other, but in most cases the principle of wood processing is the same. At the present time, furniture technologies of the south when working with wood are based on processes, starting with the processing of the workpiece itself and ending with the assembly and packaging of the finished product.
The use of modern technologies in the manufacture of furniture ensures ergonomics, aesthetics and quality of finished products. The technological process of any production of furniture products begins with cutting dry sawn timber, the moisture content of which does not exceed 8 percent. After such mechanical processing, the products acquire the required dimensions and are redirected to the parts section.
In a similar way, wood-based panel materials, products from pressed, glued and bent wood are processed. The next stage of furniture technologies in the South is finishing with paints and varnishes.
In the manufacture of furniture, the quality of equipment and tools plays a very important role: wood-cutting, grinding, etc. For example, for the individual production of furniture, it is advisable to use separate machines with low productivity.
For mass or serial production of furniture products - with high productivity. These can be automatic or semi-automatic lines that minimize human participation in the furniture manufacturing processes.
Products made from natural wood have always been expensive. In order to reduce the cost of finished products, southern furniture technologies began to use materials from woodworking waste.
Today, chipboard and MDF are most often taken as the basis for the material for the production of furniture. Wood waste goes through several stages before it becomes a consumable: shredding, drying, impregnation with urea-formaldehyde resins and hot pressing.
The main stages of furniture assembly:
- Straight and curved cutting.
- Applying the facing material to the edge of the resulting part.
- Removing overhangs of cladding and edging material.
- Drilling holes for assembly and fittings.
- Assembling finished products.
The assembly of parts into units, and then into a specific product is performed in a clear sequence, due to the design feature of the furniture.
In large enterprises, this process is carried out on specially designed carpet lines, which significantly simplify the implementation of this operation, and, consequently, increase labor productivity.
The last operation of the assembly process, according to the furniture technologies of the South, is the installation of furniture fittings on horizontal and vertical walls and doors, the formation of the furniture frame itself, fastening of the back wall.
This operation is carried out using a hand-held power tool (screwdriver, stapler, etc.). Then the doors are installed in a vertical position (if necessary according to the model) and their adjustment.
Furniture technology companies and centers
Each furniture technology company has its own secret of success at the exhibition.
Someone can bet on a famous brand, some manufacturers draw attention to their stand by demonstrating their production facilities, furniture technology companies can showcase their new furniture collections.
In general, it is worth using a standard list of rules that allows you to make exhibition activities successful even for a start-up company.
- Do not try to cover all possible goals - there should be 2-3 of them, at least 5. This allows you to develop an understandable and attractive concept that will work to achieve the set goals. If there are many goals, then a single concept may simply not exist. Moreover, the abundance of elements on the stand, as well as information messages, does not allow the brain to adequately perceive them - and a person walking by the stand looks at him for an average of 2-3 seconds. As a result, trying to get the best result, the manufacturer ultimately makes the advertising campaign inaudible, and therefore does not work on the target audience.
- Offer potential customers something really interesting. If furniture technology companies start exhibiting last year's furniture collections on the stand, they will only clutter up the space, leaving no room for zoning the rented area, and fruitfully communicate with target visitors there will be nowhere.
- Competent training of stand attendants. Many companies believe that the main purpose of the exhibition is to distribute brochures and booklets and conduct a small number of negotiations. If the stand team has the same opinion, then the effectiveness of their work will not be up to par, although all leaflets will be distributed. The stand team should have responsibilities distributed among its members, have a clear idea of the products sold, be able to work with different types of visitors and be sure to observe the work and rest hours. Often none of the stand attendants is responsible and has no work area. As a result, untrained workers hide from potential visitors or ignore them, since there is no adequate control over their work, and as a result they are not interested. Competent training of stand attendants, organization and control of their work distinguish a professional approach to organizing an exhibition from an amateur one. Also, do not forget about the rules of behavior at the stand - manners, appearance, provision of the exhibition area with everything necessary are important: from handouts to tea and chairs for visitors. If this is not observed, then a potential client with a high social status will not waste his time and, based on what he has seen, will make his opinion about the potential of the furniture technology company.
- Often, when assembling a team of stand attendants, attention is paid to attractive appearance - this criterion is a bonus, while the stand attendant must look neat and at the same time have a complete package of knowledge about the promoted products. It is also necessary to include technical specialists in the team so that even the most meticulous visitor can get comprehensive answers to any questions. If the main contingent of the stand assistants' team is made up of attractive girls without special knowledge and skills of working with target visitors, then the effectiveness of participating in an exhibition event significantly decreases - such company representatives do not inspire confidence.
- In addition to training, a team of stand attendants needs practice of working at the stand - if possible, it is not worth creating a team only from people without experience of "field" work. If the company is just entering the market and has not yet created its own team of employees, then it makes sense to hire several professionals who, while working at the stand, will help the company's employees to put theoretical knowledge into practice.
- Selective approach to working with visitors. Stand workers should work with different categories of visitors in different ways. Visitors such as students, onlookers, collectors of waste paper and souvenirs, sellers, advertising agents should not take the time of stand attendants. As for target visitors and media workers, a negotiation area should be allocated for them, in which it will be possible to negotiate comfortably. In general, negotiations imply information that is a commercial secret, and therefore it is worth highlighting a place at the stand where you can talk without bystanders.
Exhibitions can attract all participants in the furniture market as centers of furniture technology. It is at such industry events that you can get a complete picture of all the new products of the whole industry, as well as assess the prospects that will determine the direction of technology development in the furniture industry in the coming years.
As practice shows, it is the exhibition that is the ideal platform for marketing research, and if market participants are interested in current innovations in the field of furniture production, then they should be evaluated at the next exhibition event.
In order not to waste time bypassing all the exhibition boxes in the room, it is worth evaluating the presented assortment of technological innovations in the brochure that every visitor of the exhibition receives.
Brief information about each of the exhibiting companies and the offered assortment allows you to evaluate the feasibility of visiting the stands of enterprises that are innovators in technological processes or have their own development teams, technology bureaus or research centers.
Many companies developing furniture technologies participate in the Furniture exhibition at the Expocentre Fairgrounds!
Equipment for furniture production
When manufacturing high-quality modern furniture, it is impossible to do without high-tech equipment. Many connoisseurs of classic handicrafts will disagree with this argument, citing the fact that handicrafts have flourished for centuries, preserving and increasing the traditions of master cabinetmakers.
Experts in this field did not use equipment for furniture production at all, but managed only with simple tools and made real masterpieces exclusively by hand. This statement has a full-fledged place for existence when it comes to one-off products that are made to order within a few months, or even years.
Modern furniture production is focused on the mass consumer, which implies some criteria:
- streaming production;
- unification of most elements of product design;
- high production speed;
- affordable cost for a wide range of consumers.
At the heart of the manufacturing process of almost any cabinet furniture is high-quality and modern equipment for the manufacture of furniture facades.
To understand what kind of machines and tools are needed to produce quality modern furniture, let's take a closer look at the workflow.
What equipment is needed to make cabinet furniture?
As an example, consider a typical process for making a kitchen set from different materials. Any product consists of two main parts - a body and a facade.
For the production of the case, chipboards are most often used, which are distinguished by high performance characteristics and an affordable cost.
The facade is a kind of "face" of any cabinet furniture; natural wood (solid wood or shield), MDF with various types of cladding and other materials (glass, mirror, rattan) are used for its manufacture.
For the manufacture of the case, we need a panel saw and equipment for applying the end edge, as well as drilling machines.
Equipment for the production of furniture facades is a whole complex of machine tools and hand tools that allows you to process various materials, from the initial cutting of blanks to the application of external decor.
If we take a furniture board as a basis, equipment for the production of facades will look like this:
- sheet cutting machine;
- grinding machines for processing the edge and surface of the material;
- milling machines;
- a set of hand tools for wood carving.
Equipment for furniture board is distinguished by high accuracy and long service life, because the load on it is determined not only by the duration of continuous operation, but also by the quality (hardness) of wood species.
If MDF is used as the main material, then the equipment of furniture facades is supplemented by several devices:
- vacuum press for the production of MDF facades with a film coating;
- devices for painting workpieces (this is how enameled MDF facades are obtained);
- press with rollers for plastic wrapping
Regardless of the base material, any machines and tools wear out over time. In order to avoid stopping the factory, it is recommended to regularly replace equipment in the furniture industry.
Regulations for preventive and repair work are based on various criteria - natural wear and tear, load on equipment, type of material with which the work is carried out.
Furniture production technology
Furniture serves a person not only for convenience, but also for aesthetic satisfaction, since it is the main component of any interior.
The ancient inhabitants of the planet began to make the first primitive household items, but they were not of particular value, both ergonomically and artistically.
With the development of civilization, the technology of furniture production also developed, products began to resemble real works of art, their production was equated to jewelry work.
Nowadays, manufacturers can offer the widest selection of products from this category for use in any premises, both residential and non-residential.
Types of furniture by purpose:
- Household, for residential use;
- For public use;
- For installation in administrative and public buildings;
- For use in personal and public transport.
Technologies of furniture production in the XIX-XX centuries
Not so long ago, namely at the end of the 19th century and at the beginning of the 20th century, furniture was made exclusively by hand. The craftsmen used exclusively solid wood of valuable species to create their masterpieces, the processing of which took a long time.
Each detail was adjusted individually, therefore such a thing as "interchangeability" did not exist at that moment.
The furnishings were very expensive, but the cost was justified by the quality. In addition to ergonomics and convenience, the products were distinguished by their excellent appearance, in addition, each of them was unique and inimitable. However, such a furniture production technology could not fully satisfy consumer demand, since it took a lot of time to manufacture one product.
Switching to serial production
Furniture factories were able to fully satisfy high consumer demand only after the invention of the first machine tools for processing materials.
From the dawn of machine production to the present day, the following most popular machines have been used:
- Jointing;
- Circular saw;
- Bandsaw.
Blockboards have also become a life-changing invention for the furniture industry. The panels glued from individual bars made it possible to increase the quality of finished products and labor productivity, it was possible to produce more units of products in less time.
A new veneering technology began to be widely used, which consisted in the use of cheaper wood for the manufacture of the edges of parts, and more expensive - for the manufacture of veneer, with which these edges were glued.
From the field of mechanical engineering, furniture makers borrowed the principle of interchangeability of parts, all the components of the structure were made very accurately from the beginning, therefore they did not require manual adjustment, this made it possible to speed up the process of assembling furniture.
Factors that influenced the development of furniture technologies:
- Use of joinery panels and plywood in constructions;
- Replacing manual labor with machine labor;
- Application of metal fittings;
- Using the principle of interchangeability.
- Serial (re-release of large batches according to a predefined plan);
- Bulk (production of a large number of products over a long period of time without making design changes);
- Customized (limited production of custom-made furniture without re-production).
Innovative solutions in the field of processing, assembly and cladding of materials will be presented at the specialized exhibition "Furniture".
Furniture production technology will be viewed at the event from all angles, the best companies will demonstrate their equipment for working with various materials.
Examples of modern technologies of furniture production at the exhibition
The central industry event "Furniture" is held every autumn at the Fairgrounds & nbsp; "Expocentre". This complex annually hosts this and other major events of various specializations.
Thanks to modern equipment and engineering systems, the exhibition center has the ability to organize and conduct events of various sizes.
It should be noted that innovative activity is one of the priority directions of the exhibition and congress activities of the Expocentre complex. This is due to the great attention of the professional community, which is paid to new technologies and equipment. Therefore, about 20% of their own and joint events organized by the Fairgrounds & nbsp; Expocentre highlight innovative developments in various fields.
At guest exhibitions, the attention of specialists is also drawn to this topic. For example, at the Mebel event, the emphasis is on new developments and working methods. Furniture technologies are actively covered, the relevance and effectiveness of which has been proven in practice.
The exhibition pavilion of the Central Exhibition Complex & nbsp; "Expocentre" is an excellent platform for the presentation of new developments and achievements of scientific and technical groups.
In addition, at the largest events there is an opportunity to launch new projects and search for sources of funding.
It should be noted that the development of furniture technologies stimulates an increase in the quality of products, the level of technical equipment of production sites, as well as the movement of the industry as a whole. Therefore, much attention is paid to new developments not only by specialists, but also by manufacturing companies and their representatives at the Mebel exhibition.
Èñõîäíûé òåêñòNa vystavke mozhno oznakomit'sya s sovremennymi mebel'nymi fasadami, a takzhe drugimi materialami, kotoryye neobkhodimy dlya izgotovleniya mebeli.
Prakticheski vse krupnyye proizvoditeli i postavshchiki Rossii prinimayut uchastiye v vystavke «Mebel'» TSVK «Ekspotsentr».
V khode raboty vystavki fabriki ne tol'ko demonstriruyut vozmozhnosti sobstvennogo mebel'nogo proizvodstva, no i nakhodyat novykh delovykh partnerov i kliyentov.
Vystavka mozhet predostavit' neskol'ko istochnikov marketingovoy informatsii:- Buklety. Takaya pechatnaya informatsionnaya reklama dostupna vsem zhelayushchim. Dlya polucheniya bukletov i listov vovse ne obyazatel'no obshchat'sya so stendistami, vse POS-materialy v svobodnom dostupe nakhodyatsya na stoykakh u stendov. Etim pol'zuyutsya kak predstaviteli kompaniy-konkurentov, tak i studenty i prosto sobirateli makulatury, kotoryye prikhodyat na takiye meropriyatiya nasladit'sya prazdnichnoy atmosferoy i poluchit' krasivyye listovki. Unikal'noy tsennosti informatsiya na bumazhnykh nositelyakh ne neset, v podavlyayushchem bol'shinstve sluchayev analogichnyye dannyye mozhno naydi na saytakh kompaniy-proizvoditeley.
- Informatsiya ot stendistov. Chasto dlya polucheniya podrobnoy informatsii ot kompaniy-konkurentov na stend takoy kompanii prikhodit sotrudnik pod vidom pokupatelya. Takoy variant ne vsegda dostupen, poskol'ku v bol'shinstve sluchayev posetitelyu predlagayut obmenyat' vizitku. Imenno poetomu chashche vsego takomu «potentsial'nomu zakazchiku» prikhoditsya dovol'stvovat'sya bukletami. Boleye informativnyy variant – eto predlozheniye obmenyat'sya marketingovoy informatsiyey s konkurentami. Dannyye o proizvodstvennykh moshchnostyakh, assortimente, strukture predpriyatiya i tekushchikh proyektakh ne yavlyayutsya kommercheskoy taynoy, tem boleye chto pri takom obshchenii vsegda mozhno poluchit' bol'she dannykh, chem mozhno nayti v lyubykh ofitsial'nykh SMI.
- Predlozheniye o sotrudnichestve s konkurentami. Chasto kompaniya ne mozhet spravit'sya s ob"yemami zakaza – eto mozhet byt' kak sledstviyem oshibok v tekhnologicheskikh podschetakh, tak i fors-mazhornykh obstoyatel'stv. Kak variant, ispolnitel' krupnogo kontrakta iznachal'no planiruyet poruchit' chast' rabot podryadchikam, tak chto v etom sluchaye konkurenty sami nastroyeny na sotrudnichestvo i mogut predlozhit' zakaz na vypolneniye chasti krupnogo proyekta. Dazhe yesli kompaniya yeshche ne podpisala kontrakt, ona uzhe mozhet byt' zainteresovana v poiske subpodryadchikov, kotoryye pozvolyat yey poluchit' krupnyy dogovor v ispolnenii «pod klyuch».
- Konferentsiya, kruglyy stol i pr. Meropriyatiya takogo roda vsegda provodyatsya v ramkakh lyuboy otraslevoy vystavki. V ramkakh takikh meropriyatiy chasto provodyatsya prezentatsii, razlichnyye diskussii, a potomu uchastiye v konferentsiyakh, brifingakh, a takzhe press-konferentsiyakh dlya SMI mozhet byt' istochnikom unikal'noy informatsii iz tsentrov mebel'nykh tekhnologiy.
- Press-relizy i prochaya informatsiya na ofitsial'nom sayte vystavki. Etot portal yavlyayetsya dostupnoy reklamnoy ploshchadkoy, kotoroy s uspekhom pol'zuyutsya marketologi kopaniy-eksponentov, razmeshchaya vsevozmozhnyye reklamnyye stat'i i informatsiyu o produktsii. Izuchaya takuyu informatsiyu, mozhno otsenit' vse dostizheniya kompaniy-proizvoditeley na rynke mebeli. Naryadu s ob"yavleniyami o proizvodstvennykh dostizheniyakh kompanii publikuyut anonsy rezul'tatov raboty tsentrov mebel'nykh tekhnologiy.
At the exhibition you can get acquainted with modern furniture facades, as well as other materials that are necessary for the manufacture of furniture.
Almost all major manufacturers and suppliers of Russia take part in the Mebel exhibition of the Expocentre Fairgrounds.
During the exhibition, factories not only demonstrate the capabilities of their own furniture production, but also find new business partners and clients.
The exhibition can provide several sources of marketing information:- Booklets. This printed informational advertisement is available to everyone. To receive brochures and sheets, it is not at all necessary to communicate with stand attendants, all POS materials are freely available on the racks at the stands. This is used both by representatives of competing companies, as well as by students and simply collectors of waste paper who come to such events to enjoy the festive atmosphere and receive beautiful leaflets. Information on paper does not have unique value; in the overwhelming majority of cases, similar data can be found on the websites of manufacturing companies.
- Information from stand attendants. Often an employee comes to the stand of such a company to obtain detailed information from competing companies under the guise of a buyer. This option is not always available, since in most cases the visitor is offered to exchange a business card. That is why most often such a “potential customer” has to be content with booklets. A more informative option is to offer to exchange marketing information with competitors. Data on production capacities, assortment, structure of the enterprise and current projects are not a trade secret, especially since such communication can always get more data than can be found in any official media.
- Offer of cooperation with competitors. Often a company cannot cope with the volume of an order - this can be both a consequence of errors in technological calculations or force majeure. Alternatively, the executor of a large contract initially plans to entrust part of the work to contractors, so that in this case the competitors themselves are inclined to cooperate and can offer an order for the implementation of part of a large project. Even if the company has not signed the contract yet, it may already be interested in finding subcontractors that will allow it to get a large turnkey contract.
- Conference, round table, etc. Events of this kind are always held within the framework of any industry exhibition. Within the framework of such events, presentations, various discussions are often held, and therefore participation in conferences, briefings, as well as press conferences for the media can be a source of unique information from the centers of furniture technologies.
- Press releases and other information on the official website of the exhibition. This portal is an accessible advertising platform, which is successfully used by marketers of exhibiting companies, placing all kinds of advertising articles and information about products. By studying this information, you can evaluate all the achievements of manufacturing companies in the furniture market. Along with announcements of production achievements, the companies publish announcements of the results of the furniture technology centers.
Analysis of the information received allows you to make the right strategic decisions, since they are based on the most relevant data.
If a company strives to occupy a leading position in the market, then it needs to use the most advanced technologies that allow it to produce quality products with minimal costs.
That is why all leading manufacturers have their own centers of furniture technologies, which use both their own developments and buy ready-made technologies for the constant improvement of their own production.
More about technologies of furniture production: panels, facades; can be found at the annual Mebel exhibition.