Italian sofas
Every owner wants to equip his home as comfortably as possible. A special niche in this process is occupied by the choice of furniture.
Upholstered furniture is almost an integral part of any house or apartment.
If we talk about Italian sofas, we can note their high quality, stylish design and long service life. Such an element can fit into any room by choosing a texture, shade, material and size.
The classic options are cozy and light, and the sofas created in the Art Nouveau style are solid and functional.
Variety of types of Italian sofas
Italian leather sofas
Leather sofas have always occupied a high level, thanks to their elegant appearance and increased comfort. At the moment, such furniture can be found not only in luxury homes, but also in offices, halls and other premises to emphasize the high status of the owner. Plus, a leather sofa is a testament to good taste.
During production, a natural material is used, which has many advantages, for example, excellent breathability, which guarantees its coolness during hot weather conditions and, conversely, warms it up in cold weather.
Leather is highly durable and resistant to abrasion - for many years it retains its original appearance without any flaws.
The leather sofa is comfortable to use, since there is no need for careful and special care, there will be enough light wiping from time to time. In case of mechanical damage, the defect can be easily eliminated with paint or special cream.
Italian corner sofas
Corner sofas are one of the most popular types, featuring an advantageous shape that will suit any room. The main advantage of choosing such furniture is an increase in the space in the room, thanks to which the room turns into a more comfortable and spacious one. In addition, sofas are characterized by functionality. Each model can be equipped with several mechanisms, for example, a dolphin or a eurobook.
In addition to comfort and coziness, the following advantages can be noted:
- durability;
- multifunctionality;
- practicality;
- reliability;
- medicinal properties, since orthopedic mattresses are used during production.
Corner furniture is capable of accepting any configuration. There are models with a built-in minibar or other additional features.
Modular Italian sofas
Modul'nyye divany otlichayutsya mobil'nost'yu i ergonomikoy. Takoy vid myagkoy mebeli sochetayet v sebe neskol'ko chastey, kotoryy ne zavisyat drug ot druga. Dannyye divany mogut vystupat' v kachestve konstruktora, poetomu kazhdyy smozhet sozdat' neobychnyye elementy, dostatochno nemnogo pokreativit' i pofantazirovat'.
Modul'nyy divan funktsionalen i praktichen v ekspluatatsii. Yesli neobkhodimo, modul'nuyu mebel' mozhno prevratit' v uglovoy divan, krovat' ili zhe sozdat' ostrovki, vnutr' kotorykh postavit' stolik.
Ital'yanskiye modul'nyye divany udobno raspolagayutsya v komnate s lyuboy planirovkoy. Yesli priobresti takoy element, mozhno izmenyat' obstanovku v dome v lyuboye vremya.
Raskladnyye ital'yanskiye divany s mekhanizmom
Raskladnoy divan ostavlyayet pozadi svoikh konkurentov po pokazatelyu funktsional'nosti i komfortnosti. Divan s mekhanizmom legko prevratit' v krovat', i menyat' polozheniye spinki dlya obespecheniya udobnogo raspolozheniya. Ital'yanskiye divany osnashcheny prochnym karkasom i raznymi mekhanizmami dlya transformatsii. Mozhno vstretit' modeli, kotoryye otlichayutsya formoy, blagodarya chemu mozhno nayti variant dlya lyubogo inter'yera.
Sredi samykh rasprostranennykh vidov mozhno vydelit':
- gostevoy;
- universal'nyy.
Vybor budet zaviset' ot togo, v kakikh usloviyakh on budet ispol'zovat'sya i v kakom pomeshchenii. Pri chastom ispol'zovanii, luchshe obrashchat' vnimaniye na prostoy mekhanizm.
Ital'yanskiy divan-raskladushka
Ital'yanskiy divan-raskladushka osnashchen dvukhskladnym mekhanizmom, blagodarya kotoromu osushchestvlyayetsya prevrashcheniye mebeli v spal'noye mesto pri pomoshchi potyagivaniya spinki divana k sebe, posle chego on perevorachivayetsya i ustanavlivayetsya na konstruktsiyu iz opornykh nozhek.
Karkas proizvoditsya iz trub, kotoryye ispol'zuyutsya v kachestve osnovy navesnykh elementov. Mekhanizm ochen' legko sobirat' i razbirat', net neobkhodimosti v ispol'zovanii dopolnitel'nogo instrumenta.
Ital'yanskiy divan-raskladushka prednaznachen dlya postoyannogo ispol'zovaniya.
Sredi preimushchestv mozhno otmetit':
- vysokiy uroven' udobstva;
- prostaya i udobnaya transformatsiya;
- prochnaya i nadezhnaya konstruktsiya;
- vozmozhnost' vyderzhivaniya vesa do 200 kilogramm.
Ital'yanskiye divany v Moskve
Åù¸ 2326 / 5000 Ðåçóëüòàòû ïåðåâîäàModular sofas are characterized by mobility and ergonomics. This type of upholstered furniture combines several parts that do not depend on each other. These sofas can act as a designer, so everyone can create unusual elements, it is enough to be creative and dream up a little.
The modular sofa is functional and practical to use. If necessary, modular furniture can be turned into a corner sofa, bed, or islands with a table inside.
Italian modular sofas are conveniently located in a room with any layout. If you purchase such an item, you can change the decor in the house at any time.
Italian folding sofas with mechanism
The folding sofa leaves behind its competitors in terms of functionality and comfort. A sofa with a mechanism can be easily converted into a bed, and the backrest can be repositioned to provide a comfortable position. Italian sofas are equipped with a solid frame and various mechanisms for transformation. You can find models that differ in shape, so you can find an option for any interior.
The most common types include:
- guest;
- universal.
The choice will depend on the conditions in which it will be used and in what room. With frequent use, it is best to pay attention to the simple mechanism.
Italian folding sofa
The Italian folding sofa is equipped with a two-fold mechanism, thanks to which the furniture is turned into a sleeping place by pulling the back of the sofa towards you, after which it is turned over and installed on the structure of supporting legs.
The frame is made of pipes, which are used as the basis of hinged elements. The mechanism is very easy to assemble and disassemble, there is no need to use an additional tool.
The Italian folding sofa is designed for permanent use.
Benefits include:
- high level of convenience;
- simple and convenient transformation;
- robust and reliable construction;
- able to support weight up to 200 kilograms.
Italian sofas in Moscow
Many of the furniture showrooms offer a large selection of Italian sofas of different styles, shapes, colors, textures, and materials.
Now the most common furniture can be considered products that are made in such styles as:
- classic;
- baroque;
- art deco;
- modern
During creation, specialists use only high-quality materials. In addition, all fashion trends, consumer requirements are observed, so everyone can choose an option to their liking.
Moscow suppliers of Italian furniture, as well as in other cities, have the opportunity to order a sofa according to their own sketch or add some notes to an already finished design. Craftsmen take into account every wish for upholstery, decoration, decorative elements and texture.
Where can you buy cheap Italian sofas?
There are many factors to consider when buying an Italian sofa. First, you need to find proven salons that have positive feedback from their customers.
For bulk purchases, it is better to contact official suppliers. Such a procedure will allow not only to save money, but also to purchase really high-quality furniture that will last a long time. Wholesale parties are also required for sale in salons and upholstered furniture stores.
It is recommended to check certificates that confirm the quality and compliance with all technologies. Only true craftsmen and the use of modern equipment are able to produce a worthwhile product. Therefore, many Italian factories issue certificates for every leather sofa produced.
Manufacturing companies and factories of Italian sofas
Now on the market you can find a lot of manufacturing companies and factories for the production of Italian furniture, which guarantee the high quality and reliability of sofas.
Adrenalina is a factory characterized by bright ideas in sofa design. The main features of the furniture can be considered the clarity of the lines, the brightness of the colors and the simplicity of the geometric shapes.
Andrea Fanfani is a large factory that specializes in the production of luxury furniture. During the work, many years of experience, the secrets of technology, as well as the traditions of the Florentines are used. Natural wood processing is the main aspect.
Bizzotto is characterized by the creation of eye-pleasing designs that meet performance and reliability metrics.
Vismara Design combines classic and modern in the design of its furniture. In the collections, the emphasis is mainly on sofas for the living room.
Italian Sofa Suppliers
In addition to the manufacturers themselves, Italian sofas are offered by suppliers. The assortment of such companies includes samples from several manufacturers at once. Due to such a wide selection, it is more profitable to order Italian sofas from suppliers.
Among the suppliers of upholstered furniture from Italy, one can single out such companies as:
- Belgesto is a furniture supplier that has earned attention for the supply of sofas made from natural materials, which are carefully processed. Only unique products that are distinguished by style and charm go on sale.
- FUTURA sells sofas that are suitable for any occasion and for any conditions of use. The catalog contains options for offices, apartments, country houses, halls.
- CIS provides several series of sofas, differing in style, shape, materials. The most popular are the imperial-style sofas, created in the Baroque style and luxury of England.
Sale of Italian sofas and exhibits
Purchasing an exhibition sample of an Italian sofa is an opportunity for significant savings, while the quality of the purchased product will not be worse.
Soft Italian furniture has many advantages:
- harmonious combination of functionality and ideal appearance;
- the uniqueness and luxury of style, which can only be achieved with the hard work of specialists;
- this furniture is an indication of the homeowner's excellent taste;
- able to emphasize the status of the owner;
- only high quality materials are used during production.
An exhibition sample is an ideal opportunity to purchase the main decoration in the interior of the premises at minimal cost.
Contemporary Italian furniture at the exhibition
At the Mebel exhibition Expocentre Fairgrounds will feature over a hundred factories producing Italian furniture.
At the exhibition, one cannot but pay attention to furniture from Mercantini, which introduces innovative production technologies.
Porada features creative sofas that have original wooden shapes. Creazioni has provided original additions to modern interiors as design libraries.
Delta Salotti is a factory, each model of upholstered furniture of which has a layout for sleeping.