Furniture factories in Moscow and the Moscow region

The concentration of furniture factories in Moscow and the Moscow region is the highest. Among the manufacturers there are large holdings with a developed network of stores throughout the country, enterprises specializing in a certain type of furniture, small workshops and factories.

Large furniture factories

On the territory of Russia, quite large factories operate, which are at the top of the rating of the most successful furniture companies.

Some of the famous factories are:

  • the factory of the "Pushe" company, which has branches in neighboring countries;

  • The 8 March Factory sells its products in 90 cities of Russia and foreign countries;

  • Upholstered furniture of the "Formula Divana" company is offered by stores throughout the country.

Buying furniture directly from the factory will significantly save your budget. In addition, manufacturers provide a guarantee for their products. At furniture factories, you can order a wholesale batch of tables, sofas, conclude a cooperation agreement. An overview of the main industries will help you get a general idea of ​​the furniture business in Moscow.

Furniture factories in Moscow

The furniture market can be roughly divided into two large niches: products for the home and for public spaces.

In addition, there are specialized companies. For example, the Leader factory produces outdoor furniture. A wide range of school furniture is offered by the furniture factory "Atrima-Mebel". The main advantage of the company is the high quality of products, control of the entire process (from measurements to installation), an optimal price-quality ratio.

You can choose furniture for beauty salons in the companies "Image Inventor", "BARBERSHOP-Chair", "Stand" and others.

There are many manufacturers of office furniture in Moscow.

The largest and most popular are:

  • production company "Cascade". The assortment of the company includes hard, soft and semi-soft armchairs, metal chairs;

  • furniture factory "ARLINE" is equipped with modern German and Italian machines, thanks to which finished products are of high quality and reliability;

  • Cambio company specializes in the production of metal furniture, office accessories, upholstered furniture.

The most popular factories for the production of industrial furniture:

  • Sentinel Laser manufactures fire doors, metal furniture, power bumpers, storage racks;

  • production company "Argumet" is engaged in the production and sale of metal furniture (benches, chairs, shelves, workbenches);

  • ATLAS mainly produces workbenches, tool cabinets, trolleys.

The following companies are engaged in children's furniture in Moscow:

  • "Master" factory

  • "Plastic Republic"

  • "Bytplast"

  • DreamPark.

Furniture factories of the Moscow region

Almost all furniture factories in the Moscow region are equipped with modern equipment, so they can carry out fairly large orders in the shortest possible time.

Among the most reliable and popular factories among consumers are:

  • Azbuka Mebeli has been on the furniture business for a long time, pays great attention to the environmental characteristics of products;

  • the "Real Furniture" factory produces furniture fronts, furniture covers, interior doors, as well as tables, stools and chairs. In addition, the factory produces custom-made kitchens and wardrobes;

  • Premier Kitchen specializes in the production of kitchen furniture;

  • "Likarion" is not inferior in the number of positive reviews from its predecessors. The company produces high-quality upholstered furniture for houses, apartments and cottages.

Furniture fittings factories

Furniture fittings are an indispensable element of the interior of any room, as they create harmony and comfort. For example, the Aristo company produces aluminum fittings for cabinets, shelves and wardrobes. " Also, fittings are engaged in: Soyuz-AS Plant LLC, Anderssen Factory, Borovichi-Mebel, Ulyanovsk Furniture Factory, First Furniture Factory, Stallain, TriYa.

Furniture factories sofas

  • "Aisha". A popular Moscow company that uses only environmentally friendly materials in the production of sofas. For example, coconut fiber is used to fill sofas, and buckwheat husk is used for pillows. And this fact is undoubtedly the advantage of the company. Customers have repeatedly noted the variety of sofas in the range. In addition, affordable prices will satisfy even the most stingy consumer.

  • Britannica produces leather and fabric sofas. Despite the high prices, only natural materials are used.

  • "Andrea". The company is engaged in the manufacture of modular sofas from expensive materials. Therefore, the products are of high quality.

Furniture factories wardrobes

  1. Fabrika «Inter'yer-kupe» ispol'zuyet v proizvodstve tol'ko kachestvennyye materialy. Kliyentam vovse ne obyazatel'no iskat' na karte blizhaysheye predstavitel'stvo. Mozhno svyazat'sya s konsul'tantom, kotoryy priyedet na dom i rasskazhet o vozmozhnykh variantakh.

  2. «Ronikon». Otlichno zarekomendovavshaya na rynke fabrika. Na kazhdom etape proizvodstva mebeli proiskhodit kontrol' kachestva produktsii. Khotya o kachestve vovse ne stoit rassuzhdat', poskol'ku vse stanki sovremennyye i vysokoproizvoditel'nyye.

  3. «Slavmebel'». Tsenovaya politika fabriki sostoit v prodazhe produktsii po yeye sebestoimosti. Poetomu tseny ne zavyshennyye. Ochen' udobno organizovan protsess zakaza shkafa. Vse proiskhodit v rezhime onlayn. Pri etom ne nuzhno pokidat' kvartiru. Uzhe cherez 10 dney gotovoye izdeliye dostavyat tochno po adresu.

Mebel'nyye fabriki krovatey

  1. Firma «Arkhitektoriya» nesmotrya na otnositel'no malyy srok prebyvaniya na rynke mebel'nogo biznesa, kompaniya uzhe uspela sebya zarekomendovat'. V proizvodstve ispol'zuyutsya materialy ot rossiyskikh proizvoditeley. Kachestvo krovatey nakhoditsya na vysokom urovne, chto neodnokratno otsenivali pokupateli.

  2. Kompaniya «Askona» vkhodit v sostav krupnogo kholdinga shvedskogo proiskhozhdeniya. Svoyu deyatel'nost' firma aktsentiruyet na proizvodstve krovatey, kotoryye smogut obespechit' komfortnyy i zdorovyy son cheloveku.

  3. «Artis» vse predmety inter'yera proizvodit na nemetskom i ital'yanskom oborudovanii. No glavnym preimushchestvom schitayetsya 3D-vizualizatsiya budushchego inter'yera.

Mebel'nyye fabriki myagkoy mebeli

«Alina Mebel'» v osnovnom spetsializiruyetsya na myagkoy mebeli zakaz.

Firma «Allegro-Klassika» osushchestvlyayet svoyu deyatel'nost' uzhe davno, rabotayet v ekonom-segmente i delayet varianty premium-klassa. Firma predostavlyayet svoim kliyentam garantiynoye i poslegarantiynoye obsluzhivaniye.

Shirokiy ryad predlagayemykh divanov «Angazhement» – ogromnyy plyus dlya potrebitelya. Sleduyet otmetit', chto proizvodyat produktsiyu sovmestno s inostrannymi partnerami, chto ne mozhet ne radovat' pokupateley.

Mebel'nyye fabriki kukhon'

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  1. The "Interior-Coupe" factory uses only high-quality materials in production. Customers do not have to look for the nearest dealership on the map. You can contact a consultant who will come to your home and tell you about the options.

  2. Ronikon. A well-established factory on the market. At each stage of furniture production, product quality control is carried out. Although quality is not at all worth talking about, since all the machines are modern and highly productive.

  3. "Slavmebel". The pricing policy of the factory is to sell products at their cost. Therefore, the prices are not overpriced. The process of ordering the cabinet is very conveniently organized. Everything happens online. In this case, you do not need to leave the apartment. Within 10 days, the finished product will be delivered to the exact address.

Furniture factories for beds

  1. Firm "Architektoria" despite the relatively short period of stay in the furniture business market, the company has already managed to establish itself. The production uses materials from Russian manufacturers. The quality of the beds is at a high level, which has been repeatedly appreciated by buyers.

  2. The Ascona company is part of a large holding of Swedish origin. The company focuses its activities on the production of beds that can provide a comfortable and healthy sleep for a person.

  3. Artis produces all interior items using German and Italian equipment. But the main advantage is considered to be 3D visualization of the future interior.

Furniture factories of upholstered furniture

"Alina Mebel" mainly specializes in custom-made upholstered furniture.

The firm "Allegro-Classic" has been operating for a long time, works in the economy segment and makes premium options. The firm provides its customers with warranty and post-warranty service.

The wide range of offered Angazhement sofas is a huge plus for the consumer. It should be noted that they produce products together with foreign partners, which cannot but please the buyers.

Furniture factories for kitchens

One of the well-known factories with a large number of positive ones is the "Maria" company. Anons company has been on the market since 1999. Firm "Stylish Kitchens" uses only the latest technologies and imported materials.

Furniture factories wardrobes

A wardrobe is an irreplaceable element of the interior. Therefore, you need to choose it carefully and from trusted suppliers. Among these we can distinguish: the furniture factory "Master", which offers reliable furniture, uses only high-quality elements in production. The assortment of furniture factory "ARLINE" is represented by products in a wide range of colors.

Addresses of furniture factories

You can find addresses on furniture portals on the Internet. This is the name of the sites that combine the functions of an article magazine and a catalog of companies. Informational and advertising articles are posted here, furniture manufacturers display personal pages. These sites include,,, and others.

The most famous furniture factories are presented below.

MF "March 8"

Among the products: corner sofas, couches, armchairs and poufs. Official site: .

MF "Style"

The factory provides a wide selection of furniture for the most and spoiled buyer. Official site:

MF "Laguna"

Provides the opportunity to buy quality upholstered furniture. If there is no required amount, then there is an option for issuing an installment plan. You can find out the full range on the website .

MF "Palette"

The factory offers customers a wide range of products (kitchen corners, sofas, poufs, chairs). You can contact company representatives at .

MF "Rook"

The company offers 15,000 items from the assortment of upholstered furniture. Official site: .

MF "Borovichi"

The furniture factory supplies products not only to the regions of Russia and the CIS countries, but also to the USA, Israel and Germany. Contact information is available at .

Representatives of large furniture factories in Moscow, the Moscow region and other cities from other countries demonstrate their products at the Furniture exhibition in the Expocentre Fairgrounds.