Furniture production in Russia
Choosing durable, attractive and inexpensive furniture has always been a daunting task when the market is plentiful.
Currently, Russian manufacturers strive to use exclusively high-quality materials and increase the reliability of their products by using imported fittings and components.
As a result, domestic products are capable of competing with foreign products in terms of durability and design.
Furniture factories in Russia
In general, the assortment of domestic factories includes tens of thousands of models. Many entrepreneurs additionally offer the manufacture of unique custom-made furniture.
New technologies and design solutions are constantly being introduced. Russian manufacturers adhere to a democratic pricing policy, and their products fully comply with European quality standards.
Leading enterprises of the domestic furniture industry:
- Shatura Furniture, since 1961, produces office and home furnishings. Its product lines range from classic upholstered furniture to original equipment for cafes and restaurants. The company's catalog contains both economy-class modules at budget prices and expensive elite headsets.
- Tria is a large furniture holding that manufactures furniture for various functional purposes from environmentally friendly wood-shaving materials using modern imported equipment. The pricing policy and model range of the company allows you to purchase a set of modules at an affordable price and form a headset from it, suitable for any size and style of the interior of the room.
- Lazurit, operating in the Kaliningrad region since 1996, covers the entire territory of Russia with its dealer network. The production uses certified and safe MDF, laminated chipboard, natural wood, rattan.
- Soyuz-Mebel in Yekaterinburg manufactures the whole range of furnishings. The products are distinguished by reliability of fittings and high wear resistance of surfaces. Our own service department provides an 18-month warranty.
- "Premium" started its work in 2007 with the production of kitchen corners, since then the range of cabinet furniture of the company for residential, commercial and office premises has significantly expanded. Most of the customers are attracted by the possibility of making products on an individual order, taking into account the style and dimensions of the rooms.
- Silva in Nizhny Novgorod uses modern Italian and German equipment in production. The headsets are offered in a wide range of different styles. Customers are especially attracted by the variety of colors of high-quality, ergonomic and inexpensive kitchen furniture.
- Courage produces modular sets of bright design solutions from original materials. Products have an 18 month warranty.
- Sotos is best known for its kitchen furniture, bar counters, trade equipment, catering modules.
- Stoplit occupies a leading position in the lower price segment due to large production volumes and low cost of products that are sold not only in Russia, but also in neighboring countries. Spacious and functional kitchen modules are especially popular with buyers.
- Glazkovskaya Furniture Factory has been operating since 1934, producing products of modern and classic design. The production uses modern computerized equipment and Western technologies.
Manufacture of furniture components in Russia
Furnitura – neot"yemlemaya sostavlyayushchaya lyubogo predmeta obstanovki. Ona obespechivayet trebuyemuyu funktsional'nost', soyedinyayet otdel'nyye elementy i zadayet stilistiku mebeli.
Naprimer, chtoby kardinal'no preobrazit' garnitur ostatochno zamenit' vneshnyuyu furnituru – nozhki, nakladnyye dekorativnyye elementy, ruchki.
Segodnya v Rossii liderami proizvodstva mebel'nykh komplektuyushchikh yavlyayutsya:
- «Boyard» imeyet oborot produktsii, sostavlyayushchiy okolo treti vsego ob"yema furnitury na otechestvennom rynke. Proizvoditel' stavit na vysokoye kachestvo tovarov, dostupnost' tseny i obshirnuyu set' firmennykh magazinov.
- «Valmaks» rabotayet boleye 15 let i preimushchestvenno izgotavlivayet vneshniye komplektuyushchiye, kotoryye otlichayutsya dostoynym kachestvom, original'nym dizaynom i byudzhetnoy stoimost'yu.
- «Polimerkomplekt» v Kurske sushchestvuyet s 1996 goda. Osnovnoye napravleniye deyatel'nosti — proizvodstvo krepezha, pod"yemnykh i vydvizhnykh mekhanizmov, zamkov.
Raznyye vidy elitnoy i klassicheskoy mebeli proizvodstva Rossii
Glavnaya otlichitel'naya kharakteristika elitnoy produktsii – primeneniye pri izgotovlenii isklyuchitel'no vysokokachestvennykh materialov, v tom chisle tsennykh porod drevesiny, dorogostoyashchey furnitury.
Drugaya osobennost' – unikal'nost' dizaynerskikh resheniy i, kak pravilo, vypolneniye po individual'nym zakazam.
Elitnuyu mebel' v Rossii vypuskayut sleduyushchiye kompanii:
- «Miassmebel'» v proizvodstve opirayetsya na starinnyye ital'yanskiye traditsii. Primenyayutsya isklyuchitel'no natural'nyye materialy, bogataya otdelka, ruchnaya rospis', khudozhestvennyy shpon.
- TM «ERA» obladayet krupneyshimi moshchnostyami v YUFO. V proizvodstve primenyayetsya boleye 20 tekhnologiy, razrabotannykh po ital'yanskim lekalam.
- «Indigoran» izgotavlivayet elitnyye myagkiye garnitury iz natural'noy kozhi. Dizayn mebeli dlya doma i ofisa vypolnen v traditsionnom angliyskom stile.
- «Da Vinci Group» – eto klassicheskiye myagkiye komplekty v stile barokko, ukrashennyye unikal'nym reznym dekorom, otlichayushchiyesya funktsional'nost'yu i praktichnost'yu.
Detskaya mebel'
Predmety obstanovki etoy kategorii izgotavlivayutsya s uchetom psikhologicheskikh i fiziologicheskikh osobennostey raznykh vozrastov. Zachastuyu vypuskayetsya tselymi mebel'nymi komplektami, a ne otdel'nymi elementami.
Dlya kazhdogo vozrasta prednaznachayutsya raznyye po dizaynu i razmeram modeli. Populyarnost'yu pol'zuyutsya dvukhetazhnyye krovati, predmety, transformiruyemyye po mere vzrosleniya rebenka. K detskoy mebeli pred"yavlyayutsya vysokiye trebovaniya bezopasnosti i ekologichnosti.
V etoy sfere v nastoyashchiy moment rabotayet:
- Moskovskaya fabrika «Ronikon», nachavsheye v 2000 godu svoyu deyatel'nost' s izgotovleniya shkafov-kupe. Vskore proizvodstvennyye moshchnosti i assortiment byli znachitel'no rasshireny, a tekhnologicheskiy protsess polnost'yu avtomatizirovan. Blagodarya sokhraneniyu traditsii rabotat' «na zakaz», kompaniya vypuskayet ergonomichnyye mebel'nyye komplekty dlya detey, pozvolyayushchiye maksimal'no effektivno ispol'zovat' prostranstvo malogabaritnykh pomeshcheniy.
- «Skand-Mebel'» osushchestvlyayet strozhayshiy sanitarnyy kontrol' vsey produktsii. Komplekty izgotavlivayutsya iz laminirovannogo DSP s plastikovym pokrytiyem, stoykim k mekhanicheskim povrezhdeniyam, i so skruglennymi tortsevymi rebrami dlya snizheniya veroyatnosti travmatizma.
Myagkaya mebel'
Accessories are an integral part of any piece of furniture. It provides the required functionality, connects individual elements and defines the style of furniture.
For example, in order to radically transform the headset, it is enough to replace the external fittings - legs, overhead decorative elements, handles.
Today, the leaders in the production of furniture components in Russia are:
- Boyard has a turnover of about one third of the total volume of fittings on the domestic market. The manufacturer focuses on high quality products, affordable prices and an extensive network of branded stores.
- Valmax has been operating for over 15 years and mainly manufactures external components, which are distinguished by decent quality, original design and budget cost.
- Polymerkomplekt has existed in Kursk since 1996. The main activity is the production of fasteners, lifting and sliding mechanisms, locks.
Different types of elite and classic furniture made in Russia
The main distinguishing characteristic of elite products is the use in the manufacture of exclusively high quality materials, including valuable types of wood, expensive accessories.
Another feature is the uniqueness of design solutions and, as a rule, custom-made.
Elite furniture in Russia is produced by the following companies:
- Miassmebel is based on old Italian traditions in production. Only natural materials are used, rich decoration, hand-painted, artistic veneer.
- TM "ERA" has the largest facilities in the Southern Federal District. More than 20 technologies developed according to Italian patterns are used in production.
- "Indigoran" produces elite soft headsets from genuine leather. Furniture for home and office is designed in traditional English style.
- Da Vinci Group are classic baroque-style soft furnishings, decorated with unique carvings, functional and practical.
Children's furniture
The furnishings of this category are made taking into account the psychological and physiological characteristics of different ages. It is often produced as whole sets of furniture, rather than as separate items.
Models of different design and sizes are intended for each age. Bunk beds are popular, objects that are transformed as the child grows up. High safety and environmental requirements are imposed on children's furniture.
Currently working in this area:
- Moscow factory "Ronikon", which began its activity in 2000 with the manufacture of sliding wardrobes. Soon the production capacity and assortment were significantly expanded, and the technological process was fully automated. Thanks to the preservation of the tradition of working "to order", the company produces ergonomic furniture sets for children, allowing the most efficient use of the space of small-sized premises.
- Scand-Mebel carries out the strictest sanitary control of all products. The kits are made of laminated chipboard with a plastic coating, resistant to mechanical damage, and with rounded end ribs to reduce the likelihood of injury.
Upholstered furniture
Such elements are intended for lying and sitting on them. This category includes sofas, armchairs, banquets, couches. The structure consists of a frame that forms the main silhouette, a soft part, a lining made of upholstery fabric or leather, a transformation mechanism to turn the piece of furniture into a sleeping place.
The most popular manufacturers of upholstered furniture in Russia:
- "IKEA" - a brand with a worldwide reputation;
- Moon, has its own design office, which ensures constant innovation;
- March 8 which supplies not only budget models, but also furniture for elite apartments, government institutions, five-star hotels;
- Diwaniya specializes in the production of inexpensive products of various styles;
- "Sofa Color" has its own sales network, provides a guarantee for all models.
Cabinet furniture
In production, mainly cheap materials are used (MDF, chipboard, less often - solid wood), which can significantly reduce the cost of the final product. Cabinet (modular) furniture is used in residential, office, commercial premises.
The final composition is assembled from separate small interchangeable elements, harmoniously, constructively and aesthetically combined with each other. Body kits can be easily adjusted to any interiors and room sizes.
Such furniture is produced by the Infinity factory in the Moscow region, which has stores in many regions of the country. Products are manufactured on German equipment "HOMAG GROUP" from environmentally friendly and certified materials using high quality fittings.
The design is developed in collaboration with Italian specialists. A 5-year warranty is provided.
Office furniture
Currently, manufacturers offer kits that meet any profile and company image. Furniture must meet the requirements of functionality, convenience, reliability and affordability.
Factories produce solutions for office equipment of various levels. Budget options are made of chipboard, elite models are finished with valuable types of wood, leather.
Office furniture is made by many companies:
- Grand produces soft headsets;
- Soyuz-Mebel specializes in custom-made work;
- Berezka produces cabinet office furniture.
Bathroom furniture
The main problem with equipping bathrooms is the high humidity and often modest dimensions of the room.
Currently, furniture factories offer a variety of design solutions from plastic, glass, metal, moisture-resistant chipboard:
- Aquaton provides a 3-year warranty for its products in domestic conditions and 1 year in public places. The brand was recognized as the Russian Brand ¹1 in 2009.
- "Merkana" produces furniture with an optimal price / quality ratio.
- Aqwella is the only company that even uses high quality Spanish MDF in economy class products.
- "Sanita" mainly specializes in the production of porcelain sanitary ware, but having started manufacturing bathroom furniture relatively recently, it has already won its fans.
Camping furniture manufacturing
The main requirements for tourist equipment are durability, convenience and maximum compactness.
Camping furniture is produced in Russia:
- Mebek produces folding models from thin-walled polymer-coated pipes;
- X-route makes affordable and durable luxury camping furniture.
Furniture made of wood and solid wood in Russia
The use of solid wood gives products high aesthetic qualities, practicality, environmental friendliness and special energy, which has a positive effect on the health and emotional state of people.
Among the enterprises producing furniture made of wood and solid wood, one can mention such companies as:
- Dobry Master produces over 350 models of wooden furniture;
- SKYLINE offers products made on European woodworking equipment;
- "Rinner" produces furniture of various styles and creative design;
- Comfortis uses exclusively high-quality materials, including valuable timber.
Manufacture of metal furniture and furniture on a metal frame
Metal has gained great popularity for the manufacture of office and industrial equipment, due to its lightness, convenience, strength, fire resistance, durability. This furniture is ideal for storing filing cabinets and important documents.
Metal furniture manufacturers:
- PAX-metal is constantly expanding its production capacity;
- "Promet" - metal office furniture, safes;
- DiKom - shelving and metal furniture.
Manufacture of plastic furniture in Russia
Due to the lightness and practicality of products, good strength, low cost, plastic equipment has become widespread in the arrangement of hotel and tourist facilities, dachas, catering establishments.
In Russia, at the moment, plastic furniture of foreign manufacture is often used:
- Siesta is a Turkish manufacturer offering a wide range of outdoor equipment;
- Nardi, Abm, Scab are Italian manufacturers of plastic furniture.
Artificial rattan furniture
Synthetic material faithfully imitates the texture of rattan, but surpasses it in resistance to external influences and strength. Has the widest color palette. Due to the unlimited length of the cord, the furniture has no seams or joints.
Mebus is the first Russian production of artificial rattan items. The main specialization is the execution of exclusive furniture for individual orders. It is distinguished by its comfort and uniqueness of design; it is successfully used in hotels, water parks, restaurants, on beaches, suburban areas.
American furniture production in Russia
World furniture trends at the moment often arise in America. By adapting popular design styles to modern technologies, the products are comfortable and completely different from European traditions. The main purpose of American furniture is not interior decoration, but maximum functionality and practicality.
"Ashley furniture" is a legendary manufacturer with a worldwide reputation. The furniture of the brand, which is also sold in Russia, conquers with its correct and laconic forms.
Dizayn mebeli etogo napravleniya otlichayetsya raznoobraziyem materialov, tsvetov i modeley, poetomu on umesten v lyubom inter'yere. Predmety obstanovki vypolnyayutsya iz ekologicheski chistykh materialov vysokogo kachestva i obladayut sovremennymi udobnymi mekhanizmami transformatsii.
Naprimer, «ROY BOSH» – eto sovmestnyy proyekt amerikanskoy kompanii-partnera TERRI GRASS i rossiyskogo kholdinga «8 Marta». Unikal'naya komfortabel'nost' mebeli kompanii dostigayetsya putem kombinatsii sovremennykh tekhnologiy i ruchnoy raboty.
Mebel' sovmestnogo proizvodstva Italiya Rossiya
Iskusstvo ital'yanskikh mebel'shchikov – etalon po vsem kharakteristikam, ot dizayna do sposobov obrabotki materialov. Poetomu ideya ob izgotovlenii dostupnykh i kachestvennykh predmetov obstanovki v svoyey strane — otlichnoye resheniye. Proizvedennaya v Rossii po importnym tekhnologiyam mebel' prakticheski nichem ne otlichayetsya ot produktsii fabrik Italii.
Sovmestnoye predpriyatiye «MANINI MOBILI» predlagayet zakazat' vysokokachestvennuyu produktsiyu v eksklyuzivnykh otdelkakh, kotoryye obyazatel'no budut garmonirovat' s lyubym inter'yerom. Mebel' fabriki vypolnyayetsya iz natural'nykh materialov v bol'shom raznoobrazii modeley. Ona izgotavlivayetsya po razrabotkam ital'yanskikh dizaynerov na vysokotekhnologichnom oborudovanii, analogi kotoromu v Rossii otsutstvuyut, i otlichayutsya tsenovoy dostupnost'yu.
Osobennosti fabrik po proizvodstvu mebeli v Rossii
Mebel'noye proizvodstvo v nashey strane za posledneye desyatiletiye sushchestvenno razvilos', obespechivaya potrebiteley kachestvennoy otechestvennoy produktsiyey.
Fabriki po proizvodstvu mebeli Rossii vypuskayut shirokiy assortiment izdeliy – ot taburetov i obedennykh stolov do roskoshnykh krovatey iz natural'noy drevesiny i slozhnykh konstruktsii (mebel'-transformer, shkafy-krovati i procheye).
Razvivat' mebel'nuyu otrasl' vygodno po neskol'kim prichinam:
- obespecheniye naseleniya dostupnoy i kachestvennoy mebel'yu sobstvennogo proizvodstva;
- umen'sheniye zavisimosti ot importnykh tovarov;
- razvitiye malogo i srednego biznesa;
- vozmozhnost' vykhoda na mebel'nyye rynki ne tol'ko sosednikh gosudarstv, no i v Yevropu;
- regulyarnyye otchisleniya v byudzhet strany.
Dlya predprinimateley mebel'naya otrasl' yavlyayetsya vygodnym i pribyl'nym vlozheniyem sredstv. Nesmotrya na to, chto mebel' otnositsya k tovaram dlitel'nogo pol'zovaniya, spros na razlichnyye modeli postoyanno rastet.
Rost spros na razlichnyye modeli mebeli svyazan s nekotorymi faktorami:
- bol'shoye chislo potentsial'nykh pokupateley;
- ne polnost'yu zapolneny nekotoryye rynochnyye nishi;
- regulyarnoye obnovleniye domashney mebeli;
- uvelicheniye kolichestva novostroyek.
Eti predposylki yavlyayutsya prekrasnymi argumentami v pol'zu otkrytiya sobstvennoy mebel'noy fabriki.
Furniture design in this direction is distinguished by a variety of materials, colors and models, so it is appropriate in any interior. The furnishings are made of high quality environmentally friendly materials and have modern comfortable transformation mechanisms.
For example, "ROY BOSH" is a joint project of the American partner company TERRY GRASS and the Russian holding "8 Marta". The unique comfort of the company's furniture is achieved through a combination of modern technology and handicraft.
Furniture of co-production Italy Russia
The art of Italian furniture makers is a benchmark in all characteristics, from design to methods of processing materials. Therefore, the idea of making affordable and quality furnishings in your country is a great solution. Furniture made in Russia using imported technologies is practically no different from the products of Italian factories.
The MANINI MOBILI joint venture offers to order high-quality products in exclusive finishes that will surely be in harmony with any interior. The factory's furniture is made from natural materials in a wide variety of models. It is manufactured according to the developments of Italian designers on high-tech equipment, which has no analogues in Russia, and is notable for its affordability.
Features of factories for the production of furniture in Russia
Furniture production in our country has developed significantly over the past decade, providing consumers with high-quality domestic products.
Furniture factories in Russia produce a wide range of products - from stools and dining tables to luxurious beds made of natural wood and complex designs (transformable furniture, wardrobes, etc.).
It is profitable to develop the furniture industry for several reasons:
- providing the population with affordable and high-quality furniture of our own production;
- reducing dependence on imported goods;
- small and medium business development;
- opportunity to enter furniture markets not only in neighboring countries, but also in Europe;
- regular contributions to the country's budget.
For entrepreneurs, the furniture industry is a profitable and profitable investment. Despite the fact that furniture belongs to durable goods, the demand for various models is constantly growing.
The growth in demand for various models of furniture is associated with several factors:
- a large number of potential buyers;
- some market niches are not completely filled;
- regular renovation of home furniture;
- an increase in the number of new buildings.
These prerequisites are excellent arguments in favor of opening your own furniture factory.
Factories for the production of cabinet furniture in Russia
Factories and factories for the production of cabinet furniture are hundreds of small and large private enterprises located in all regions of the country.
Among manufacturers there are narrow-profile companies that are focused on producing a certain type of product or working with one material.
Most businesses have a wide range of products ranging from computer or coffee tables to beds and wardrobes.
The most famous furniture factories in Russia for the production of cabinet furniture in various regions of the country:
- Domoteka is a Moscow company that specializes in the production of dining groups (tables and chairs);
- "Massiv" is a Kaluga factory that produces high-quality natural wood beds;
- Angelina - production facilities are located in Moscow. The range of products is represented by kitchens made of MDF, plastic, acrylic and natural wood, as well as a wide selection of wardrobes;
- "Maria" is a Saratov furniture factory that manufactures custom-made kitchen sets.
This is just a small part of the companies that produce a variety of furniture.
Cabinet furniture made in Russia is distinguished by a wide selection of products, high quality, affordable price and long service life.
Russian factories specializing in the production of upholstered furniture
Factories for the production of upholstered furniture in Russia are represented by hundreds of enterprises of various sizes - from small private workshops to large companies of regional and national scale.
The most famous furniture factories in Russia for the production of upholstered furniture:
- Anderssen is a Moscow company that offers a wide range of upholstered furniture for the home;
- Ladya - production is concentrated in Dmitrov;
- Gloria is the leader in the production of upholstered furniture in Ulyanovsk;
- "MOON" is a company from Noginsk that specializes in the production of upholstered furniture in genuine leather.
Manufactures of upholstered furniture are located in all regions of the country, but the largest number of enterprises is concentrated in Moscow and the region.
Representatives of large factories for the production of furniture from Russia and other countries at the Furniture exhibition in the Expocentre Fairgrounds .
Factories and enterprises for the production of furniture in Russia
Enterprises for the production of furniture in Russia are located in all regions. This is a huge number of factories and workshops of various sizes, ranging from a small small-scale or piece production of products for individual orders and ending with large giant enterprises that manufacture various furniture on an industrial scale.
The Russian furniture manufacturing market is particularly attractive for entrepreneurs and investors due to a number of features:
- large target audience. Despite the crisis and decreased purchasing power, the volume of furniture production in Russia in 2015 practically did not decrease, and in some areas there was an increase;
- demand for products in the budget and medium price category. Entrepreneurs are interested in a simple and profitable business that can be created by selling furniture of certain price categories;
- despite the huge number of manufacturers, some niches in the furniture market have not yet been filled, which makes it possible to implement almost any projects in certain directions.
Classification and directions of enterprises for the production of furniture in Russia
Furniture factories throughout Russia can be divided into several conditional categories, if we take certain criteria as a basis:
- production scale. The bulk of all firms are small companies that focus on small volumes. The main advantage lies in the simplified business registration process and its mobility. Such companies are targeted at buyers within a particular locality or even an area of a large city. About a quarter of all enterprises are medium-sized companies that produce various furniture and are focused not only on nearby settlements, but also on a specific region. No more than 10% of all companies are represented by large manufacturers of the all-Russian scale, which have several factories in various regions of the country and are focused on selling products not only in Russia, but also abroad;
- by type of product. Here you can classify by product line and profile. There are narrow-profile companies that manufacture furniture of one direction (upholstered or cabinet) or even one type (for example, the production of metal furniture in Russia consists of enterprises that specialize exclusively in tables, chairs and beds with metal frames). There are companies that manufacture various types of furniture (a vivid example is the production of kitchen furniture in Russia, where, in parallel with the headsets, the company produces dining groups and soft kitchen corners). The production of designer furniture in Russia is a separate area that is popular with a small percentage of consumers. The main difference lies in the manufacture of any furniture according to the customer's sketches or in the author's performance of famous designers. Naturally, such products are not cheap and are currently not very popular with most consumers.
Furniture production in Russia has identified two main areas that are profitable to develop and build capacity:
- home furniture. Living room furniture made in Russia took the leading place in terms of sales. This category includes various walls, pencil cases, slides, wardrobes and dressers. The sales volume reached 35% of all products sold in various directions. One of the features of this direction is rather high costs and low profitability, therefore, the undisputed leader in the production of cabinet furniture has become large enterprises that are able to reach profitability and make good profits due to the mass production of products;
- office and retail furniture. In terms of its indicators, this direction takes the second place with a total market share of about 25%. The main advantage is that the production of specialized furniture does not require large investments and large-scale production. In parallel with the standard models, which are mass-produced, small enterprises have established the production of products according to individual sizes. Experts predict an increase in demand for office furniture in the next few years.
The total volume of furniture production in Russia over the past 10 years has grown several times, due to high demand and weak filling in certain areas.
Furniture made of wood of domestic production traditionally remains one of the most expensive, but much more affordable than imported counterparts.
The high price is due to the cost of natural wood, as well as the purchase of the necessary imported equipment for high-quality processing of materials.
Russian and foreign representatives of furniture factories at Furniture exhibition in Expocentre Fairgrounds .
Advantages and disadvantages of wooden furniture
Natural wood is one of the most demanded materials for making furniture.
Russia has vast forests in which trees of a variety of species grow - from ordinary pine or oak to exotic Karelian birch.
Wooden furniture made in Russia is a high level of quality, original appearance and affordable cost in comparison with similar products of foreign manufacturers.
Wood furniture production has become a popular craft in regions with large forests.
The material has a number of advantages and features:
- spectacular appearance. Regardless of the type of wood, its surface has a unique natural texture, which is formed due to the complex interweaving of wood fibers;
- ease of processing. Wood lends itself well to sawing, grinding and drilling on automatic machines or using ordinary hand tools. This quality allows you to decorate the surface of the material with additional decorative elements (for example, hand carving);
- long service life. Solid wood furniture made in Russia will not lose its basic qualities for several decades;
- environmental friendliness. The material is extracted in natural conditions, and when processing blanks, toxic adhesives and hazardous substances (impregnations, synthetic resins) are not used;
- mechanical strength and durability. An important material characteristic that allows the production of tables, benches and chairs that can withstand heavy loads.
Despite the obvious advantages, natural wood has a number of features:
- special care is required. To increase the service life, it is necessary to regularly treat the surface with special protective compounds that prevent the formation of rot, mold, fungus or the growth of bacteria.
Over time, the tree should be additionally covered with a layer of varnish to protect the surface from moisture penetration and minor mechanical damage; - high cost.
Natural wood is one of the most expensive materials used in the furniture industry. The price depends on several factors, from the type of wood to the size of the solid blanks.
To reduce the cost of finished furniture, manufacturers resort to some tricks - they use inexpensive types of wood, combine different materials or make products from furniture board (spliced wood), and not from solid wood.
Common types of wood in the production of wooden furniture in Russia
So that your furniture does not cost a fortune, professionals recommend not buying products from expensive or exotic species, but pay attention to more affordable materials.
One of the most profitable solutions is pine furniture made in Russia.
Pine is the most widespread wood species throughout the country, which cannot but affect the drop in its value compared to other species.
Pine is favored by its ease of processing and attractive appearance. If you are not satisfied with its natural amber-golden color, the craftsmen of furniture production will be able to fix it thanks to special impregnations (stains) of various colors.
One of the benefits of pine wood is its resinousness, which acts as a wood antiseptic, repelling insects and preventing the growth of fungi and bacteria.
There are several branches of pine application in furniture production:
- pine furniture for summer cottages is a wide range of tables, benches, stools and chairs that can be installed indoors or just outdoors;
- staircase manufacturing is a very popular area of the industry, where pine is the most common and available material. These staircases are perfect for classic-style rooms or for traditional design in the style of a Russian village;
- wicker furniture made in Russia - original products from natural vines or artificial materials for home or personal plots. In the overwhelming majority of cases, pine is used as a material for the manufacture of frames or supporting structural elements.
Pine furniture from the manufacturer is the best way to purchase a quality product directly from the manufacturer. This makes it possible to significantly save on purchase costs by bypassing intermediaries and their additional trade margins.
Solid pine furniture is a natural energy, chic appearance and a cozy atmosphere in your apartment or in the country.
Garden furniture made in Russia and other countries
The production of garden furniture in our country is a fairly rapidly developing and successful industry.
The stable level of development and the annual opening of new specialized factories is due to a number of criteria:
- attractive business conditions. Until now, the profile segment of the market is not fully filled, which gives good chances for start-up companies;
- a large number of potential buyers. Manufacturing of garden furniture involves the sale of final products not only for individuals, but also for municipal companies to improve the park area of settlements, as well as squares, alleys and streets; li>
- the ability to use a variety of materials and produce a wide range of products for customers from all walks of life.
This is just a number of advantages that stimulate the growth and development of specialized industries.
A strong and steadily developing furniture industry plays an important role for our state:
- the rise and development of small and medium-sized businesses in the specialized field;
- providing the population with quality furniture;
- gradual displacement of imported products;
- opportunity to enter the markets of other countries;
- the emergence of additional new jobs and support for related industries (chemical industry, production of metal structures, etc.).
The main assortment of garden furniture made in Russia
Garden furniture is a separate direction in specialized production with its own characteristics, specific model range and functionality.
Among the entire assortment, two main areas can be distinguished:
- products for private consumers;
- furniture for the improvement of settlements.
The first category includes various furniture for the gazebo and garden - tables, chairs, sun loungers, benches and even a garden swing.
The second category mainly includes shops and recreation pavilions, which are made from various materials.
The main criteria for both groups of products are a high degree of strength, long service life, anti-vandal qualities (relevant for park and city furniture), attractive appearance.
The main materials used in the manufacture of garden furniture
Various materials are used to ensure the basic performance and maximize the life of the products:
- wood. Garden furniture made of wood is one of the most popular options that are bought for decorating backyard summer cottages. Due to the unique properties of natural wood, such furniture serves for a very long time, has a spectacular appearance and is environmentally friendly. If the wood is pre-treated with special means, then it will retain its appearance and basic qualities for a long time, even when outdoors. This is one of the important criteria by which natural wood is widely used in the manufacture of benches for decorating city streets, parks and squares. Wood furniture production is a stable industry due to high demand for products;
- vine. Natural material that is distinguished by its original appearance, durability and mechanical strength. Wicker garden furniture has a light design and is perfect for installation on the veranda, summer kitchen or directly in the gazebo. Wicker furniture is a good solution for creating a cozy and warm interior in any room.
Garden furniture for a gazebo is a variety of sets of tables, chairs or benches, where you can sit comfortably in the company and enjoy the beautiful view of a summer day.
Garden furniture directly from a Russian manufacturer
Garden furniture can be sold in several ways:
- sales through various retail outlets. The most common option for any customer. The advantage lies in the convenience of making a purchase (the necessary furniture can be in any nearest store), but the disadvantage is the high cost (dealers' markup);
- wholesale and retail sale from an authorized representative. The most popular way to buy a product, where the customer is guaranteed the quality and originality of the product;
- purchase of goods directly at the place of manufacture. The most profitable option. Despite the fact that in most cases you will have to go directly to the enterprise or the nearest warehouse of the company, the prices will be the lowest. The only caveat is that, as a rule, such companies do not sell their products at retail directly in production, but direct customers to their brand stores or to the nearest official dealer.
Garden furniture from the manufacturer is beneficial not only for the retail buyer, but also for large companies that are engaged in the improvement of parks, alleys, streets and squares.
Modern garden furniture from Russia and other countries is demonstrated at the annual Furniture exhibition at the Expocentre Fairgrounds .
Office furniture made in Russia
Proizvodstvo torgovogo oborudovaniya i ofisnoy mebeli – eto otdel'noye napravleniye, kotoroye otlichayetsya ot izgotovleniya mebeli dlya doma.
Glavnyye osobennosti ofisnoy mebeli:
- vysokiy uroven' iznosostoykosti. Rech' idet o bol'shikh nagruzkakh na mebel', kotoryye nevozmozhno sravnit' s domashnim divanom, stolom ili kreslom;
- mekhanicheskaya prochnost' osnovnykh elementov;
- otsutstviye dopolnitel'nogo dekora. Kak pravilo, kompanii po proizvodstvu ofisnoy mebeli otdayut predpochteniyu stilyu minimalizm, chto predpolagayet maksimal'nuyu funktsional'nost' s minimal'nymi dekorativnymi elementami. Isklyucheniye sostavlyayut lish' komplekty dlya kabinetov rukovoditeley;
- vysokaya ergonomika. Mebel' dolzhna byt' bez ostrykh kromok i opasnykh uglov, kotoryye mogut stat' prichinoy polucheniya sluchaynykh travm, osobenno, kogda rech' idet o nebol'shikh ofisnykh pomeshcheniyakh, v kotorykh nakhoditsya neskol'ko rabochikh mest.
Osnovnyye materialy dlya proizvodstva ofisnoy mebeli
Uchityvaya spetsifiku napravleniya, firmy po proizvodstvu ofisnoy mebeli ispol'zuyut razlichnyye materialy, kazhdyy iz kotorykh imeyet svoi otlichitel'nyye osobennosti:
- drevesno-struzhechnyye plity. Etot material sostavlyayet osnovu podavlyayushchego bol'shinstva korpusnoy ofisnoy mebeli. Iz LDSP izgotavlivayut shkafy, penaly, rabochiye stoly, polki i komody. Glavnoye preimushchestvo zaklyuchayetsya v nevysokoy stoimosti po sravneniyu s natural'noy drevesinoy, khoroshimi ekspluatatsionnymi kharakteristikami i legkost'yu v obrabotke, chto pozvolyayet izgotovit' mebel' prakticheski lyuboy konfiguratsii;
- plastik. Iz etogo materiala delayut sostavlyayushchiye chasti ofisnykh kresel i razlichnyye dekorativnyye nakladki. Blagodarya svoyemu iskusstvennomu proiskhozhdeniyu, polimernyye termoplasty ne podverzheny vozdeystviyu vlagi, prakticheski ne vygorayut pod luchami solntsa i mogut sluzhit' desyatiletiyami;
- metall. Chashche vsego razlichnyye vidy metallov i ikh splavov ispol'zuyutsya dlya izgotovleniya opornykh karkasov torgovoy mebeli (stellazhi dlya produktsii, vitriny, stoyki i resepshny);
- steklo. Material ispol'zuyetsya preimushchestvenno dlya ofisnykh i torgovykh vitrin, a takzhe v kachestve rabochikh poverkhnostey dlya stolov;
- natural'naya drevesina i MDF. Eti materialy chashche vsego ispol'zuyutsya v kachestve elementov dekora (fasady, nakladki) i prakticheski ne poluchili shirokogo rasprostraneniya pri izgotovlenii mebeli dlya ofisa;
- obivochnyye tkani. Dlya divanchikov v priyemnuyu, stul'yev i ofisnykh kresel chasto ispol'zuyutsya sinteticheskiye obivochnyye materialy – tkani na osnove PES i zameniteli kozhi na baze PVKH. Materialy otlichayutsya dlitel'nym srokom sluzhby, shirokoy tsvetovoy gammoy i vysokim koeffitsiyentom istiraniya.
Blagodarya shirokomu vyboru kachestvennykh materialov, mnogiye kompanii naladili seriynoye proizvodstvo ofisnoy mebeli v nashey strane.
Assortimentnyy ryad ofisnoy mebeli proizvodstva iz Rossii
The production of commercial equipment and office furniture is a separate direction, which differs from the manufacture of furniture for the home.
The main features of office furniture:
- high level of wear resistance. We are talking about heavy loads on furniture, which cannot be compared with a home sofa, table or armchair;
- mechanical strength of the main elements;
- lack of additional decor. Typically, office furniture companies prefer a minimalist style, which implies maximum functionality with minimal decorative elements. The only exceptions are kits for executive offices;
- high ergonomics. Furniture should be free of sharp edges and dangerous corners that can cause accidental injury, especially when it comes to small office spaces with several workplaces.
Basic materials for the production of office furniture
Taking into account the specifics of the direction, firms for the production of office furniture use various materials, each of which has its own distinctive features:
- chipboards. This material forms the basis of the vast majority of office furniture. Cabinets, pencil cases, work tables, shelves and chests of drawers are made of chipboard. The main advantage is its low cost compared to natural wood, good performance and ease of processing, which makes it possible to manufacture furniture of almost any configuration;
- plastic. This material is used to make the constituent parts of office chairs and various decorative overlays. Due to their artificial origin, polymer thermoplastics are not affected by moisture, practically do not fade under the sun's rays and can serve for decades;
- metal. Most often, various types of metals and their alloys are used for the manufacture of supporting frames for commercial furniture (product racks, showcases, counters and receptions);
- glass. The material is used mainly for office and retail display cases, as well as work surfaces for tables;
- natural wood and MDF. These materials are most often used as decorative elements (facades, overlays) and are practically not widely used in the manufacture of office furniture;
- upholstery fabrics. For sofas in the reception area, chairs and office chairs, synthetic upholstery materials are often used - PES-based fabrics and PVC-based leather substitutes. The materials are characterized by a long service life, a wide range of colors and a high abrasion rate.
Thanks to a wide selection of high-quality materials, many companies have launched a serial production of office furniture in our country.
Assortment of office furniture made in Russia
Russian-made office furniture is represented by a wide assortment of products, which can be roughly divided into several categories:
- tables. They can be general purpose, computer and written. They differ in form, type of construction and functionality;
- chairs, sofas and armchairs. There is a division into three categories - for staff, for visitors and for managers;
- additional cabinet furniture. This group includes various wardrobes, shelves, showcases, pencil cases, cabinets and other products that can be found in a modern office.
A wide range of products allows you to choose the most optimal layout for an office space, taking into account the specifics of the work.
Advantages of custom-made office furniture in Russia
Compared to mass-produced products, the production of custom-made office furniture has its own characteristics and advantages:
- the buyer will be able to independently choose the materials and colors of the furniture, based on their preferences or corporate standards;
- the customer can choose the required level of functionality and configuration option for each piece of furniture;
- the production of office furniture presupposes manufacturing according to the individual dimensions of the customer, which guarantees the ideal arrangement of all elements in an office of any size and with its own planning features;
- affordable cost and real savings. Most often, the production and sale of office furniture is carried out by one company, which offers a number of additional services - from the departure of the master for the initial measurement and drawing up a design project, to delivery and installation directly at the customer's address.
Office furniture made in Russia is a wide range of quality products with a wide variety of functionality.
Manufacturing of medical furniture in Russia
The production of medical furniture in our country is developing dynamically, as evidenced by a large number of specialized companies.
Given the specifics of the industry, which is fundamentally different from the manufacture of furniture for household needs, companies that are not able to produce quality products for laboratories and hospitals are quickly eliminated.
Characteristics of medical furniture made in Russia
Medical furniture and equipment has a number of key differences compared to standard home products:
- maximum wear resistance. This is one of the main criteria, because the products are under serious stress, because a large number of people "pass" through them;
- use of reliable materials;
- ergonomic design and increased functionality, taking into account the specificity of products;
- reliable materials and versatile design.
This is just a number of criteria that medical (laboratory) furniture should have.
Common materials used in Russia for the production of medical furniture
The production of medical equipment and special furniture should take into account the basic requirements and criteria for the finished product. The basis of any product is high-quality materials and reliable fittings that guarantee a long service life and comfortable operation.
Among all the materials from which laboratory furniture and equipment are made, the most widespread are:
- chipboards. The material is obtained by pressing the mass, which consists of crushed wood waste and polymer resin. Plates are distinguished by high mechanical strength and long service life. Chipboard is the basis for most types of cabinet furniture, such as tables for blood sampling, stationary cabinets for staff, work tables and other furniture for office equipment;
- metal. Medical metal furniture is a separate direction in production. This material is used in the manufacture of manipulation and massage tables, examination chairs, shelving and equipment for operating rooms. The main advantage is high mechanical strength and the longest possible service life compared to other materials;
- glass. Glass facades are the main element of this type of furniture, such as a medical cabinet. Due to its transparency, the user sees perfectly the internal filling and quickly gets access to the necessary thing on the shelves of the cabinet or showcase;
- upholstery fabrics. Furniture for medical centers is not only cabinets, tables and special equipment, but also various products for creating a comfortable environment in the reception rooms. A vivid example is a medical bench or a sofa for visitors. All soft parts of the furniture must be upholstered with high-quality wear-resistant materials, mainly artificial leather. It is easy to clean and maintain, and is durable and abrasion resistant;
- polymeric materials. Medical and laboratory furniture presupposes the presence of plastic parts and structural elements. The material has high mechanical strength, does not interact with water, and some polymers and composites do not lend themselves to chemical attack.
This was not a complete list of materials used by manufacturers. Manufacturing of medical furniture involves the use of various materials, proceeding not only from considerations of quality and reliability, but also taking into account the specifics of a particular industry.
Where to buy medical furniture in Russia?
Medical furniture can be sold in several ways:
- specialized retail stores;
- specialized companies that trade for legal entities (clinics, medical centers, public and private institutions);
- medical furniture from the manufacturer in branded retail outlets. The most rational way of buying, which guarantees not only the originality of the product, but also the absence of additional trade margins and intermediaries' fees;
- online sale. A fairly new, but very popular service that requires you only a computer (tablet, laptop or smartphone) and Internet access. To place an order, just enter a request (for example, medical furniture Moscow) and select a product in the store you like. One of the key advantages of this type of trade is significant time savings, and prices are often lower than retail prices. One of the drawbacks is the inability to independently touch the equipment and furniture.
A wide range of purchasing methods allows the consumer to choose the most convenient option for purchasing specialized medical or laboratory furniture based on specific preferences.
Bathroom furniture
When choosing furniture for a bathroom, one should thoroughly approach the question. Only this approach, taking into account taste preferences, general wishes and the size of the bathroom itself, guarantees the purchase of furniture that will really become a bright accent in the bathroom.
When choosing bathroom furniture, it is necessary to consider and evaluate its quality and functionality. What is also important is the aesthetic properties, because the interior of the bathroom, along with any room in the house, should please the eye, as well as be convenient and comfortable.
A modern bathroom is a special area for rest and relaxation. That is why there is such a lively demand on the market today for all kinds of non-standard original furniture designs.
When choosing bathroom furniture for an attractive appearance that will harmonize and complement the room, you should also pay special attention to the quality of the selected designs.
Only if the furniture combines quality, price and attractive appearance, you should make a purchase. If you omit at least one of the above points, you run the risk of soon encountering the need for such an acquisition again.
If you rely only on the appearance, you can make a mistake with the quality, and relying on the quality, you can remain dissatisfied with the chosen model, which will not fit into the interior.
Forgetting about the price and being guided by the desire to save money, as a result, we get both poor quality and a short-lived design, even with an attractive appearance.
Modern materials for the production of bathroom furniture
Bathroom furniture is diverse today, which makes it possible to create a unique unique interior at home.
Modern furniture manufacturers take into account all the wishes of customers and, following global trends and preferences, create unique models for both large bathrooms and small bathrooms familiar to many.
Today furniture manufacturers produce furniture from all kinds of materials. Glass bathroom furniture is very popular and in demand.
Transparent and light glass elements create the effect of airiness and purity. This is exactly what is relevant for the bathroom, like no other.
Many manufacturers also make bathroom furniture from affordable and familiar materials such as chipboard, MDF. Curbstones made of these materials, for example, are equipped in parallel with washbasins of domestic or foreign production.
Bathroom furniture made in Russia
Bathroom furniture (made in Russia) is a wide range of products that meet all quality standards and have a modern design and excellent functionality.
The most popular is the following bathroom furniture made in Russia:
- wall-mounted multifunctional cabinets. This is not just a mirror, but a product with additional shelves and niches for storing various little things. Many models have built-in backlighting;
- vanity units. There are a large number of models that are equipped with shelves and drawers;
- cabinets and cases for storing towels, bathrobes and household chemicals.
All bathroom furniture manufactured in Russia is made using modern technologies using high-quality materials.
Among the most famous factories are several enterprises - "Onica", "Aquella" and "San Ta". The production is equipped with high-quality equipment, which allows us to produce competitive products.
Advantages of bathroom furniture made in Russia
Bathroom furniture made in Russia, compared to imported products, has a number of advantages and features:
- affordable price;
- high level of quality and long service life;
- use of moisture resistant materials;
- wide range of models and various styles of execution;
- the furniture is designed taking into account the specifics of our bathrooms (area and layout).
In terms of quality, domestic products are practically not inferior to foreign counterparts, which, given the affordable cost, makes them popular with consumers.
Types and examples of bathroom furniture at the exhibition
Domestic manufacturers and manufacturers from foreign countries at the Furniture exhibition, which will be held in Moscow this fall, will present the following types of products to the visitors of the exposition:
- wardrobes;
- thumbs;
- mirrors;
- shelves;
- pencil cases;
- individual accessories.
Various manufacturers offer bathroom furniture in all kinds of styles, from classic to modern, which means the widest choice for the buyer.
Special attention is also paid to the color solution today: domestic designers and developers carefully monitor global trends in the furniture industry in order to keep up with the times and not lose their customers.
Thanks to international exhibitions that take place around the world, representatives from different countries have a unique opportunity to exchange experience and knowledge in the development of new production technologies and new design solutions.
Gain knowledge and experience of foreign colleagues and thereby promote their own bathroom furniture production line becomes possible if you take part in the exhibition.Learn about global trends, ask manufacturers about quality, ask for advice from representatives of organizations on how to choose the right bathroom furniture so that it is both beautiful and multifunctional, it will probably be at the Furniture exhibition .
Furniture of joint production Russia - Italy
Furniture manufacturing in Russia is a steadily developing industry with its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages.
Positive aspects of production development include the following:
- providing consumers with affordable furniture;
- growth of specialized small and medium business;
- stable contributions to the treasury;
- development of related industries.
These are obvious advantages that attract entrepreneurs and investors to create their own furniture business.
Despite a number of positive aspects, the domestic manufacturing industry has its own characteristics and disadvantages:
- our products are inferior in quality to foreign analogues of well-known factories in many respects;
- historically Russia is not a country with centuries-old furniture traditions, unlike Italy, where each region is famous for its cabinetmakers;
- furniture from Russia is manufactured using outdated equipment and technologies that were developed back in Soviet times;
- domestic manufacturers in most cases are not able to quickly respond to changing trends in the furniture market, which excludes the possibility of successful competition with global companies.
Furniture from Italy is the benchmark in all major indicators, from appearance to methods of processing materials.
Benefits of joint production of furniture in Russia and Italy
One of the best solutions is the ability to produce high-quality and affordable furniture using foreign technologies in our country.
Furniture of joint production Russia - Italy has a number of features and advantages:
- products are manufactured on new imported equipment;
- basic and finishing materials can be of domestic or foreign production;
- use of advanced technologies;
- affordable cost;
- wide range;
- the quality of such products is practically the same as those made in Italy.
Furniture Italy-Russia is a profitable investment for entrepreneurs and an opportunity to purchase high-quality, stylish and affordable products for consumers.
Furniture Loft of joint furniture production Russia-Italy
The emergence of new styles allows the buyer to create an original interior in his apartment that will fully match his tastes. One of the most popular trends in design has become the loft style - an original mix of modern technologies and peculiar images of industrialization of the early 20th century.
Loft furniture production in Russia is a new and promising direction, which is becoming more and more popular with our compatriots. Interior design in this style assumes the presence of original finishing materials in the form of rough stone or imitation of red brick on the walls, metal pipes and massive beam ceilings. And the furniture should match the interior - natural wood can be perfectly combined with forged metal elements and tinted glass.
Loft furniture made in Russia will allow you to create a cozy and functional interior even in a small room, because the new style has successfully adopted the elements of minimalism and modernism.
Furniture production in Russia is dynamically developing in the conditions of scientific and technological progress. New technological methods and innovative equipment appear. This contributes to the industry gaining momentum in its advancement.
The furniture industry is an industry that specializes in the processing of timber and lumber into final products. Today in Russia there are more than four thousand enterprises and factories for the production of furniture. This industry dates back to ancient times.
Furniture production began during the transition from nomadism to a sedentary way of life. Probably, the person realized that sitting on a log is much better than on the ground. Since then, wood processing and use as furniture began.
Elements and segments of furniture production in Russia
Modern decor elements differ in their shapes and types, as well as their purpose. Depending on this, furniture production in Russia is divided into segments.
Furniture segments include:
- upholstered furniture;
- corpus office paraphernalia;
- cabinet - for home;
- special furniture.
The most common and popular is office furniture. This segment every year increases its production volumes by 20-25%. Fiberboard furniture and cabinet furniture are widely used.
Nevertheless, the production of special furniture is of great interest to sectors of the national economy, but it does not develop at such a fast pace.
Modern furniture production in Russia
The furniture industry in Russia, despite its rapid development, has competitors in the face of foreign manufacturers. This factor influences the development of the industry. The total volume of goods on the furniture market represents 40-50% of products from a Western manufacturer. Such products differ significantly in design, material texture, and quality is an extremely important criterion.
Modern furniture production in Russia requires the introduction of new, higher-quality technologies and methods of manufacturing products into production. Deterioration of equipment in factories is a huge problem that affects not only the production of goods, but also the safety in production.
The consumers, unfortunately, have the wrong impression that the domestic manufacturer is in many ways inferior to the imported one. Therefore, Russian plants and factories will have to try very hard to regain trust.
The Asia-Pacific region, which specializes in the production of cheap, but quite competitive furniture, has also been a major competitor lately.
Problems of the Russian furniture industry
Taking into account the above-mentioned problems, import factories, which are concentrated in the territory of the country, represent great competition. This is due to the fact that some furniture is produced already assembled, increasing the inconvenience of its transportation. Manufacturers are still looking for sales markets and locate their enterprises outside their state.
It should be noted that Russia has a powerful raw material base, which is used by the furniture complex, which gives many advantages over other countries. However, the main problem is the lack of a high-quality and efficient wood-processing complex that produces materials for the furniture industry in accordance with European standards.
In addition, these materials must be environmentally friendly and safe for human health and life.
So, in the end, we can conclude that the main problems of furniture production in Russia are:
- the market is growing due to imported goods;
- the share of exports is falling;
- equipment wear;
- shortage of qualified personnel.
Technologies of furniture production in Russia and abroad at the exhibition
The furniture industry, despite the rapid pace of development, needs to find optimal solutions to pressing problems. In this case, holding events of various kinds at the global level becomes an alternative option.
One of these is the Furniture Exhibition , which is annually held in one of the largest exhibition complexes of the Expocentre Fairgrounds. It reflects directly the situation regarding the production of furniture in Russia.
Expocentre's specialists, who have colossal experience and vast knowledge base, allow organizing the event at the highest level. Every year the complex holds about 100 international exhibitions, as well as more than 800 congresses, symposia and conferences that have a significant impact on the development of a particular industry.
Such projects enhance the work of scientific and technical groups, allowing the introduction of new technological methods and innovative equipment into production. It is also an excellent opportunity not only to conclude new cooperation at the international level, but also to find sponsors and increase the investment attractiveness of the furniture industry.
At the Furniture exhibition you can get acquainted with the most detailed information about the types and features of furnishings from various Russian factories, as well as with modern technologies for the production of furniture in Russia and abroad.
Here you can find new business partners for further supplies of Russian-made furniture. In the complex located on Krasnaya Presnya, open areas and internal premises are fully equipped for exhibition purposes. High-quality organization of expositions is provided by professional staff.
Expocentre provides a full range of services for effective product presentations.
More about the production of furniture in Russia and other countries: features, technologies, types, examples; can be found at the annual Mebel exhibition.