Furniture companies

Our review & nbsp; will help you choose a quality furniture manufacturer and not get lost among the abundance of existing factories, factories and workshops for the manufacture of products of this type.

Furniture manufacturing companies

There are many furniture manufacturers on the Russian market. On the websites & nbsp; and the managers of these companies, you can get complete information about the furniture they produce, see photos, find out the dimensions and materials from which the furniture is made.

And, of course, there is an opportunity to ask the price and choose the best option. Many companies offer exclusive options. For example, the furniture company "Maria" offers turnkey solutions or individual design development for a strong kitchen design.

Other manufacturers create furniture in different directions. So, at the Smolenskmebel factory, you can immediately select furniture in the hallway and bedroom for a kitchen set.

The Liman company produces beautiful furniture that can be used to furnish all rooms. There are companies that work to order, for example, the company "Drev-M". Economy class furniture is offered by "Ronikon" company.

Many factories deliver furniture throughout Russia, as does Afonin Group.

A wide selection of manufacturers will help you find a suitable option in terms of quality, design and price.

Manufacturers of metal and steel furniture

Metal and steel furniture manufacturers offer models that can withstand heavy loads. Such furniture is usually used in service stations or in workshops where heavy tools and materials are stored on shelves.

The company "InTechProm" offers a wide selection of metal furniture of its own production.

Furniture for laboratories is also made of metal. A wide selection of laboratory furniture can be found in the assortment of Arosa.

Metal furniture for medical institutions is offered by Zavodmedstal and the furniture factory Berezka.

Safes, in addition to preserving documents and valuables, can also be an interior item. You can take a closer look and choose a suitable safe at MetCon.

Forged furniture factory "Metaldecor" makes very practical and beautiful home furniture from metal. The firm "Mebeltorg" works in the same direction.

By the way, all these companies are not highly specialized, they have many other interior items.

Upholstered furniture manufacturing companies

Upholstered furniture is intended primarily for relaxation. And the manufacturers are well aware of this.

A large selection of sofas and armchairs can be seen in the catalog of the "Vash style" company. The Akkord Mebel factory has no less assortment.

Smart sofas with ergonomic seats and backs are offered by the company of the same name.

The Dream Land factory is a large selection of beds and mattresses. To choose furniture for the bedroom, take a look at the website of the company "Ryton", by the way, from this company, in addition to beds and mattresses, you can also purchase pillows.

The original frameless bean bag chairs of the "Ay-Divo" company will add variety to the atmosphere of the house.

Modular furniture manufacturers

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Modul'naya mebel' pozvolyayet sproyektirovat' prostranstvo, iskhodya iz lichnykh predpochteniy.

Neobychnyye modul'nyye detskiye predlagayet proizvoditel' – firma «Multo!». Dlya oborudovaniya detskoy komnaty modul'noy mebel'yu zaglyanite v kompaniyu «38 popugayev». A s vyborom mebeli dlya kukhni pomozhet proizvoditel' modul'noy mebeli «Studiya mebeli Masterskaya».

Firmy-proizvoditeli korpusnoy mebeli

Korpusnaya mebel' – nedorogoye i stil'noye resheniye dlya doma. Ubedit'sya v etom pomozhet fabrika «Mebel'Kholding».

«El'ba mebel'» predlagayet stil'nuyu korpusnuyu mebel'. Zaglyanuv v katalog firmy «Al'bina» i «Korel'» mozhno obstavit' korpusnoy mebel'yu ves' dom.

V kompanii «Mebel' Tsivilizatsii» mozhno izgotovit' korpusnuyu mebel' pod zakaz, uchityvaya pozhelaniya kliyenta. V mebel'noy firme «AVS» tozhe sobirayut korpusnuyu mebel' po individual'nym eskizam.

Firmy-proizvoditeli ofisnoy mebeli

Kompaniya «Kambio» predlagayet neskol'ko kollektsiy stil'noy ofisnoy mebeli, kak dlya rukovoditeley, tak i dlya ofisnykh rabotnikov. Bogatyy vybor ofisnoy mebeli i u proizvoditelya «Mebel'Stil'».

Firma «Feliks» predlagayet vybrat' inter'yer i dlya doma, i dlya ofisa.

Fabrika «FM mebel'», spetsializiruyetsya na ofisnoy korpusnoy mebeli.

Kompanii, proizvodyashchiye furnituru dlya mebeli

«Salice» – ital'yanskiy proizvoditel' mebel'noy furnitury. Kompaniya iznachal'no fokusirovalas' na proizvodstve aksessuarov iz latuni, odnako v nastoyashcheye vremya predostavlyayet kliyentam shirokiy spektr produktsii iz razlichnykh splavov metallov.

«Boyard» - rossiyskaya kompaniya po proizvodstvu furnitury shirokogo profilya. Pomimo dekorativnykh resheniy (dvernykh ruchek, nakladok, petel'), kompaniya izgotavlivayet i funktsional'nyye konstruktsii (dovodchiki, amortizatory, pod"yomnyye mekhanizmy).

Firmy po izgotovleniyu mebeli na zakaz

  1. «Proyekt-Mebel'» – firma iz Peterburga, izgotavlivayushchaya korpusnuyu mebel', v tom chisle po proyektam, predostavlennym kliyentam samostoyatel'no. Sovremennoye oborudovaniye i gibkaya sistema oplaty pozvolyayet kazhdomu pokupatelyu vybrat' optimal'nyy variant.

  2. «Ronikon» – moskovskiy izgotovitel' korpusnoy i myagkoy mebeli. Kliyentam predostavlyayetsya vozmozhnost' vybrat' odin iz predstavlennykh proyektov, i na yego osnove sozdat' mebel' po sobstvennym razmeram.

Organizatsii po izgotovleniyu kukhonnoy mebeli

  1. «Kukhonnyy zavod» – izgotovitel' kukhonnykh garniturov iz Sankt-Peterburga. Kliyentam predostavlyayetsya usluga besplatnogo vyyezda dizaynera i sostavleniya proyekta mebeli. Stoit takzhe otmetit' skidki pri zakaze gotovykh dizayn-proyektov standartnykh razmerov.

  2. «Kukhni-Lebedi» – ves'ma kreativnyy proizvoditel' garniturov iz Penzy, predostavlyayushchiy dostavku v Moskvu i blizlezhashchiye prigorody. Profil' kompanii – izgotovleniye dostupnoy po tsene kukhonnoy mebeli iz MDF.

Mebel' kakoy firmy vybrat' dlya inter'yera gostinoy

Åù¸ 2981 / 5000 Ðåçóëüòàòû ïåðåâîäà

Modular furniture allows you to design a space based on personal preferences.

Unusual modular nurseries are offered by the manufacturer - Multo! To equip a children's room with modular furniture, visit the 38 Parrots company. And with the choice of furniture for the kitchen, the manufacturer of modular furniture "Furniture Studio Masterskaya" will help.

Companies-manufacturers of cabinet furniture

Cabinet furniture is an inexpensive and stylish solution for the home. The MebelHolding factory will help you to verify this.

Elba Mebel offers stylish cabinet furniture. Looking into the catalog of the Albina and Korel firms, you can furnish the whole house with cabinet furniture.

In the company "Furniture of Civilization" you can make custom-made cabinet furniture, taking into account the wishes of the client. Furniture company "ABC" also assembles cabinet furniture according to individual sketches.

Office furniture manufacturing companies

Cambio offers several collections of stylish office furniture for both executives and office workers. A wide selection of office furniture and the manufacturer "MebelStyle".

Felix offers to choose an interior for both home and office.

FM Mebel factory specializes in office cabinet furniture.

Companies producing furniture fittings

Salice is an Italian manufacturer of furniture fittings. The company initially focused on the production of brass accessories, but now provides customers with a wide range of products in various metal alloys.

"Boyard" is a Russian company for the production of accessories of a wide profile. In addition to decorative solutions (door handles, linings, hinges), the company also manufactures functional structures (door closers, shock absorbers, lifting mechanisms).

Custom Furniture Firms

  1. "Project-Furniture" is a company from St. Petersburg that manufactures cabinet furniture, including according to projects provided to clients independently. Modern equipment and flexible payment system allows each customer to choose the best option.

  2. Ronikon is a Moscow manufacturer of cabinet and upholstered furniture. Clients are given the opportunity to choose one of the presented projects and, on its basis, create furniture according to their own sizes.

Kitchen furniture manufacturing organizations

  1. "Kitchen Plant" is a manufacturer of kitchen sets from St. Petersburg. Clients are provided with the service of free departure of the designer and drawing up a furniture project. It is also worth noting discounts when ordering ready-made design projects of standard sizes.

  2. Kitchen-Swans is a very creative manufacturer of headsets from Penza, providing delivery to Moscow and the surrounding suburbs. The company's profile is the production of affordable kitchen furniture from MDF.

Which company furniture to choose for the living room interior

Dyatkovo is the largest manufacturer of wide-profile cabinet furniture. The company offers ready-made sets for decorating a living room, and also makes design projects for free. Numerous seasonal discounts and special offers on last season's collections are worth noting.

Connoisseurs of exclusive interior items can furnish their living room with furniture from the Mebelion store, which provides a wide selection of precious woods and unique designs.

Where to buy furniture in bulk from the company

Wholesales of finished furniture is carried out by most of the specialized factories.

Borovichi Furniture is one of the most famous factories with a wide profile, working with both private clients and large customers. High quality, flexible delivery times and various payment options are available to customers.

"Kameol" is the largest official representative of many domestic furniture factories, organizing direct deliveries of finished products to the addresses indicated by customers. Extensive retail space and suburban location help the firm to offer decent quality at very reasonable prices.

Bath (bathroom) furniture companies

For the bathroom, special materials are used that are not afraid of high humidity and temperature extremes. Therefore, not all furniture companies are engaged in bathroom cabinets and shelves.

Among the firms of bathroom furniture, the following companies can be noted:

  1. Aquadom is a highly specialized manufacturer of bathroom furniture solutions. Modern processing technologies, as well as various designs and customization options allow you to purchase a configuration for any space and budget.

  2. Alavann is a manufacturer of bathroom furniture and related products. Customers of the company can purchase products for decorating a home bathroom, as well as add elegant products to bathrooms in office premises.

Companies-suppliers of children's furniture

Companies-suppliers of children's furniture offer models of their own production and a wide range of other manufacturers:

  • Baby2teen is a specialized company for the production of modular solutions for rooms for children and teenagers. Thematic designs and low prices will delight buyers;

  • Meblik is a manufacturer of furniture for little girls' rooms. The manufacturer's narrow specialization contributes to the development of unique design, functionality and compactness of the products offered.

Companies supplying cabinet furniture

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«WallyTally» – moskovskiy proizvoditel' sovremennoy korpusnoy mebeli lakonichnogo dizayna, delayushchiy aktsent v oformlenii na strogom i lakonichnom skandinavskom stile.

«Fokus» – nebol'shaya mebel'naya fabrika iz Peterburga, izgotavlivayushchaya razlichnyye modifikatsii miniatyurnoy korpusnoy mebeli iz byudzhetnykh materialov.

Firmy-postavshchiki shkol'noy mebeli

Shkol'naya mebel' dolzhna sootvetstvovat' vse trebovaniyam po tekhnike bezopasnosti i ergonomichnosti. Imenno takiye varianty predlagayut firmy-postavshchiki shkol'noy mebeli v Rossii.

«Vital» – spetsializirovannyy proizvoditel' mebeli dlya shkol'nykh obrazovatel'nykh uchrezhdeniy, sochetayushchiy v svoyey produktsii lakonichnyy i udobnyy dizayn, a takzhe funktsional'nost'.

«Mebeletta» – optovyy izgotovitel' shkol'noy mebeli razlichnykh modifikatsiy, ispol'zuyushchiy v proizvodstve tol'ko ekologichnyye materialy.

Firmy belorusskoy mebeli

Belorusskiye proizvoditeli shiroko predstavleny na rossiyskom rynke, v osnovnom sredi byudzhetnogo tsenovogo segmenta.

Sredi nikh stoit upomyanut' «BelDrevMebel» – proizvoditelya konstruktsiy iz massiva, a takzhe «MebelVerona» – ofitsial'nogo predstavitelya krupneyshey torgovoy seti v Belorussii.

Ital'yanskiye firmy mebeli

Ital'yanskaya mebel' traditsionno otnositsya k segmentu «lyuks».

Sredi proizvoditeley naiboleye izvestny:

  • «Amber», zanimayushchiysya obustroystvom elitnykh spalen;

  • «Casalino» – profil'naya firma po proizvodstvu mebeli dlya otdykha (banketok, pufikov, divanov).

Shvedskiye firmy mebeli

Åù¸ 1597 / 5000 Ðåçóëüòàòû ïåðåâîäà

"WallyTally" is a Moscow manufacturer of modern cabinetry with a laconic design, with an emphasis on simple and laconic Scandinavian style.

Fokus is a small furniture factory from St. Petersburg that manufactures various modifications of miniature cabinet furniture from budget materials.

School Furniture Suppliers

School furniture must meet all safety and ergonomics requirements. These are the options offered by suppliers of school furniture in Russia.

Vital is a specialized manufacturer of furniture for school educational institutions, combining laconic and convenient design and functionality in its products.

Mebeletta is a wholesale manufacturer of school furniture of various modifications, using only environmentally friendly materials in production.

Belarusian furniture firms

Belarusian manufacturers are widely represented in the Russian market, mainly among the budget price segment.

Among them it is worth mentioning BelDrevMebel - a manufacturer of solid wood structures, as well as MebelVerona - the official representative of the largest retail chain in Belarus.

Italian furniture companies

Italian furniture traditionally belongs to the luxury segment.

The most famous manufacturers are:

  • Amber, engaged in the furnishing of luxury bedrooms;

  • Casalino is a specialized company for the production of leisure furniture (banquets, ottomans, sofas).

Swedish furniture companies

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Besspornym liderom sredi shvedskikh firm yavlyayetsya byudzhetnaya i kachestvennaya «IKEA», a takzhe «Blomer» – proizvoditel' mebeli v premial'nom tsenovom segmente. Stoit otmetit', chto dizayn obeikh firm kharakteren svetlymi tonami i natural'nymi materialami.

Nemetskiye firmy mebeli

Iz nemetskikh firm mebeli mozhno otmetit' kompanii:

  • «Aridis» – proizvoditel' kompleksnykh resheniy dlya inter'yera. Firma obespechivayet rossiyskiy rynok garniturami dlya spal'ni i gostinoy, a takzhe tekhnologichnymi osvetitel'nymi priborami;

  • «Noltestudio» – proizvoditel' korpusnoy mebeli, oriyentirovannyy na tseniteley lakonichnogo stilya loft. Proizvoditel' sochetayet natural'nyye materialy, strogiy dizayn i kachestvennuyu sborku.

Spisok nazvaniy populyarnykh firm i brendov, prodayushchikh i postavlyayushchikh mebel'

Chislo rossiyskikh kompaniy, proizvodyashchikh mebel' segodnya, postoyanno uvelichivayetsya. V otrasli yest' uzhe davno zarekomendovavshiye sebya lidery i nachinayushchiye uchastniki rynka. Rassmotrim boleye podrobno osnovnoy spisok nazvaniy populyarnykh firm i brendov, prodayushchikh i postavlyayushchikh mebel'.

8 marta

«8 marta» – eto sovremennaya fabrika yevropeyskogo obraztsa po vypusku myagkoy mebeli. Imeyet predstavitel'stva i torgovyye tochki v 55 gorodakh Rossii, ne schitaya Moskvy i moskovskoy oblasti. Proizvodit uglovyye, pryamyye, modul'nyye divany, takhty, kresla, kushetki, pufy. Slavitsa otmennym kachestvom i dizaynom svoyey mebeli.


Fabrika «Avangard» spetsializiruyetsya na vypuske myagkoy mebeli, krovatey i predmetov inter'yera. V assortimente uglovyye i modul'nyye divany, myagkaya mebel' s razlichnymi sistemami transformatsii, dvukh i odnospal'nyye krovati, detskiye i dvukh"yarusnyye krovati. Sredi soputstvuyushchikh tovarov modeli korabley, osvetitel'nyye pribory, domashniy tekstil'.


«Avanti» – kitayskaya mebel'naya fabrika po vypusku myagkoy i korpusnoy mebeli. Vypuskayet mebel' v klassicheskom stile premium klassa s obiliyem dekorativnykh detaley.


Mebel'naya fabrika «Akvaton» spetsializiruyetsya na vypuske razlichnoy mebeli dlya vannykh komnat. Osnovnoy material LDSP I MDF.


Federal'nyy internet-magazin «Angstrem» predlagayet vnimaniyu vse, chto neobkhodimo dlya sozdaniya sovremennogo inter'yera. Ot myagkoy i korpusnoy mebeli do osvetitel'nykh priborov i domashnego tekstilya.


Myagkaya mebel' v shirokom assortimente predstavlena mebel'noy fabrikoy «Andersen». Pryamyye i uglovyye divany, kresla-krovati, pufy – vot nebol'shoy perechen' sposobnyy zainteresovat' lyubogo.


Åù¸ 2652 / 5000 Ðåçóëüòàòû ïåðåâîäà

The undisputed leader among Swedish companies is the budget and high-quality IKEA, as well as Blomer, a furniture manufacturer in the premium price segment. It should be noted that the design of both companies is characterized by light colors and natural materials.

German furniture companies

Of the German furniture companies, the following companies can be noted:

  • Aridis is a manufacturer of complete interior solutions. The firm provides the Russian market with bedroom and living room sets, as well as technological lighting fixtures;

  • "Noltestudio" is a cabinet furniture manufacturer focused on connoisseurs of laconic loft style. The manufacturer combines natural materials, strict design and high-quality assembly.

List of names of popular companies and brands that sell and supply furniture

The number of Russian companies producing furniture today is constantly increasing. The industry has long-established leaders and novice market participants. Let's take a closer look at the main list of names of popular firms and brands that sell and supply furniture.

March 8

"March 8" is a modern European-style factory for the production of upholstered furniture. It has representative offices and retail outlets in 55 cities of Russia, excluding Moscow and the Moscow region. Produces corner, straight, modular sofas, ottomans, armchairs, couches, poufs. Slavitsa with excellent quality and design of its furniture.


The Avangard factory specializes in the production of upholstered furniture, beds and interior items. The assortment includes corner and modular sofas, upholstered furniture with various transformation systems, two and single beds, children's and bunk beds. Related products include ship models, lighting fixtures, home textiles.


Avanti is a Chinese furniture factory for the production of upholstered and cabinet furniture. Produces furniture in a classic style of premium class with an abundance of decorative details.


Furniture factory "Aquaton" specializes in the production of various furniture for bathrooms. The main material is laminated chipboard and MDF.


The federal online store "Angstrem" offers everything you need to create a modern interior. From upholstered and cabinet furniture to lighting fixtures and home textiles.


A wide range of upholstered furniture is presented by the furniture factory "Andersen". Straight and corner sofas, armchair beds, poufs - this is a small list that can interest anyone.


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«Arlayn» – eto mebel'naya fabrika po proizvodstvu korpusnoy mebeli. V yeye assortimente gorki, kukhonnyye garnitury, ofisnaya mebel', modul'nyye sistemy. Osnovnoy fishkoy kompanii yavlyayutsya shkafy-kupe, vypolnennyye v razlichnykh stilyakh.


«Art» – bryanskaya fabrika po izgotovleniyu myagkoy mebeli. Proizvodit myagkiye ugolki ot ekonom do premium klassa.


Korpusnaya mebel' ot firmy «Artis» otlichayetsya sovremennym dizaynom. Spal'ni, gorki, gostinyye, prikhozhiye detskiye – vot ne polnyy perechen' vypuskayemoy firmoy produktsii.


Nizhegorodskaya mebel'naya fabrika ZAO "Borovichi-Mebel'" predlagayet kukhonnyye garnitury, spal'ni, gorki, myagkiye ugolki. Sovremennaya proizvodstvennaya baza pozvolyayet vypuskat' kachestvennuyu mebel' po demokratichnym tsenam.


Bravo – fabrika po vypusku korpusnoy mebeli. Modul'naya sistema, predlagayemaya vo vsekh izdeliyakh, pozvolyayet kombinirovat' samyye raznyye garnitury. Za schet etogo mozhno obstavit' gostinyye, detskiye, kukhni, spal'ni na lyuboy vkus.

Vasha Mebel'

Internet-magazin «Vasha Mebel'» spetsializiruyetsya na prodazhe mebeli:

  • dlya kukhon';
  • gostinykh;
  • prikhozhikh;
  • detskikh.

Zdes' mozhno priobresti mebel', kak v yedinichnom izdelii, tak i garniturami.


Kompaniya «Verona» spetsializiruyetsya na izgotovlenii mebel' pod zakaz. Eksklyuzivnyye kukhonnyye garnitury, vpisannyye v inter'yer, razrabatyvayutsya i izgotavlivayutsya v yedinstvennom variante.


Tomskaya mebel'naya firma «Vitra» vypuskayet korpusnuyu mebel'. V yeye assortimente spal'ni, gorki, kukhonnyye i detskiye garnitury, prikhozhiye, tumby i procheye. Imeyet svoy internet-magazin i realizuyet svoyu produktsiyu po vsey Rossii.


Mebel'naya fabrika «Glazov» spetsializiruyetsya na izgotovlenii i prodazhe korpusnoy mebeli. Predpriyatiye vypuskayet spal'ni, gostinyye, detskiye, prikhozhiye. Realizatsiya proizvoditsya tak zhe cherez sobstvennyy internet-magazin.


Mebel'nyy torgovyy tsentr «Grand» sobral pod svoyey kryshey produktsiyu izvestnykh proizvoditeley Rossii i zarubezh'ya. Zdes' mozhno priobresti spal'ni, gorki, kukhonnuyu i detskuyu mebel', myagkiye ugolki i predmety inter'yera.


Fabrika «Dana» proizvodit korpusnuyu mebel' iz LDSP i massiva dereva. Spal'ni, gostinyye, komody, i drugiye predmety inter'yera, vypolnennyye v stile ital'yanskoy klassiki modno priobresti kak v salone, tak i v internet-magazine kompanii.


Diana – krupneyshaya omskaya mebel'naya fabrika, osnashchennaya sovremennym oborudovaniyem, vypuskayet kak myagkuyu, tak i korpusnuyu mebel'.

Dom Mebeli

V krupneyshem onlayn-magazine «Dom Mebeli» predstavlen shirokiy assortiment korpusnoy i myagkoy mebeli. Vnimaniyu pokupateley predostavleno boleye 50 000 naimenovaniy produktsii, v tom chisle detskiye, spal'ni, mebel' iz rotanga i predmety inter'yera.


Fabrika detskoy mebeli «Dubok» predlagayet vnimaniyu pokupateley izdeliya dlya malyshey s momenta ikh rozhdeniya do podrostkovogo vozrasta. Zdes' mozhno priobresti krovatki, komody, pelenal'nyye stoly, stoly i shkafy.


Mebel'nyy gigant po proizvodstvu myagkoy mebeli fabrika «Dyat'kovo» spetsializiruyetsya na vypuske myagkikh ugolkov, divanov ekonom i premium klassa. Klassicheskiye kozhanyye divany etogo proizvoditelya izvestny po vsey Rossii.


Belorusskaya mebel'naya kompaniya «Zov» predstavlyayet na rossiyskom rynke korpusnuyu mebel' i fasady iz massiva yasenya.


Åù¸ 3539 / 5000 Ðåçóëüòàòû ïåðåâîäà

Arline is a furniture factory for the production of cabinet furniture. Its assortment includes slides, kitchen sets, office furniture, modular systems. The main feature of the company is sliding-door wardrobes made in various styles.


"Art" is a Bryansk factory for the production of upholstered furniture. Produces soft corners from economy to premium class.


Cabinet furniture from the "Artis" company is distinguished by its modern design. Bedrooms, slides, living rooms, children's hallways - this is not a complete list of the company's products.


Nizhny Novgorod furniture factory Borovichi-Mebel CJSC offers kitchen sets, bedrooms, slides, soft corners. A modern production base allows us to produce high-quality furniture at affordable prices.


Bravo is a cabinet furniture factory. The modular system offered on all products allows a wide variety of headsets to be combined. Due to this, you can furnish living rooms, nurseries, kitchens, bedrooms for every taste.

Your Furniture

Your Furniture online store specializes in selling furniture:

  • for kitchens;
  • living rooms;
  • hallways;
  • for children.

Here you can buy furniture, both in a single piece and in sets.


The Verona company specializes in custom-made furniture. Exclusive kitchen sets that fit into the interior are designed and manufactured in a single version.


Tomsk furniture firm "Vitra" produces cabinet furniture. Its assortment includes bedrooms, slides, kitchen and children's sets, hallways, cabinets and more. It has its own online store and sells its products throughout Russia.


Glazov Furniture Factory specializes in the manufacture and sale of cabinet furniture. The company produces bedrooms, living rooms, children's rooms, hallways. Implementation is also done through our own online store.


Furniture shopping center "Grand" gathered under its roof the products of well-known manufacturers in Russia and abroad. Here you can buy bedrooms, slides, kitchen and children's furniture, soft corners and interior items.


Factory "Dana" produces cabinet furniture from laminated chipboard and solid wood. Bedrooms, living rooms, dressers, and other interior items made in the style of Italian classics are fashionable to purchase both in the salon and in the company's online store.


Diana is the largest Omsk furniture factory, equipped with modern equipment, produces both upholstered and cabinet furniture.

Furniture House

The largest online store, Dom Mebeli, offers a wide range of cabinet and upholstered furniture. More than 50,000 items of products are provided to the attention of buyers, including children's, bedrooms, rattan furniture and interior items.


The Dubok children's furniture factory offers buyers products for babies from the moment of their birth to adolescence. Here you can buy cots, dressers, changing tables, tables and wardrobes.


The furniture giant for the production of upholstered furniture, the Dyatkovo factory specializes in the production of soft corners, economy and premium class sofas. Classic leather sofas from this manufacturer are known throughout Russia.

The Call

The Belarusian furniture company "Call" presents cabinet furniture and ash-tree facades on the Russian market.


Outlets of the famous Ikea brand are spread throughout Russia. The company offers cabinet furniture made of natural wood, as well as upholstered furniture and interior items.


Furniture factory "Comfort" produces a wide range of upholstered and cabinet furniture. Including solid wood. Along with the usual home furnishing kits, here you can buy parts for stairs made of natural wood.


Furniture factory "Laguna" for the production of upholstered furniture offers corners, sofas, banquets, high quality work chairs.


Everything for arranging a home office or library is produced at the Ladya furniture factory. The range includes desks, office chairs, filing cabinets and upholstered furniture.

Lapis Lazuli

The main product of the Lazurit factory is cabinet furniture. In addition to desks, wardrobes, hallways and furniture sets, the factory is mastering the production of orthopedic mattresses and bed bases.


Lerome Furniture Factory produces:

  • bedrooms;
  • living rooms;
  • wardrobes.

Leroy Merlin

Kitchens from the Leroy Merlin factory are distinguished by European quality and design. In addition to furniture sets, you can buy countertops and wall panels here.


Furniture from the Leader factory will decorate any dining room or kitchen. The enterprise produces dining groups made in various styles.

Favorite Home

Modular cabinet furniture can be purchased in the Lyubimy Dom online store. There is a large selection of children's rooms, kitchens, living rooms, bedrooms.


The MALTA factory appeared on the market in 2003 and has already earned the trust of customers due to its high quality and affordable prices. The assortment includes a large selection of cabinet furniture for every taste.


The company "Master" is engaged in the production of furniture for the home, including shelving, tables, bedrooms, hallways, wardrobes, pedestals and mirrors. Provides a warranty service for all products.


The main field of activity is wood processing. The Medved factory works with such tree species as pine, Belarusian alder, Siberian cedar, larch, oak, ash.


Factory "Miass" is located in Zhitomir and specializes in the production of custom-made cabinet furniture for home and office, which meets all the requirements and quality standards.


The Mir company has existed on the Russian market for 12 years and offers its customers a considerable selection of cabinet and upholstered furniture. The production uses high quality materials (plastic, MDF film, frame facades).

Moon upholstered furniture

The Moon firm is one of the most promising companies in its market segment, which produces sofas (straight, corner, modular), armchairs, armchairs-beds.


Nika provides a wide range of products, including wardrobes, walk-in closets, interior partitions, furniture for living rooms, offices, bedrooms. The catalog contains a selection of corner cabinets, hallways and upholstered furniture.


Yekaterinburg furniture factory "Olymp", which produces high-quality upholstered furniture, guarantees trouble-free operation of its products for 15-20 years.


The company "Prestige" works in four directions and produces furniture for home, office, kitchen and upholstered furniture. The factory uses German and Italian equipment, which is a guarantee of the quality of the final product.


Factory "Progress" is an experienced furniture manufacturer in the Russian Federation, as it has existed for over 75 years, during which it has been producing living rooms, bedrooms and hallways in six colors.


The Sky company specializes in the production and sale of cabinet furniture. Among the variety of products are swing wardrobes and wardrobes. There is a possibility of purchasing furniture of the "Economy" series.


Factory "Style" is located in the city of Penza and is engaged in the production of furniture for living rooms, children's rooms, bedrooms and hallways, as well as dressers and TV stands.


Kazan furniture factory "Stolplit" sells furniture sets, as well as individual pieces of furniture for bedrooms, hallways and offices.


Modern and high-quality furniture produced at the Tria factory is an excellent option for those who are looking for not only convenience, but also stylish performance. The company offers favorable terms of delivery to all cities of Russia.


The production of the "Success" factory & nbsp; is cabinet furniture, which allows you to create comfort in the house and add a unique touch to the interior of the rooms. Modern production technologies, high-quality components and fittings can significantly increase the service life.


The factory began its activities in 2007 and was able to occupy its niche in the furniture market. The materials used in production are carefully selected and controlled. The company's products are sold in many regions of Russia.


The Felix company is engaged in the production of office furniture. The assortment includes furniture for executives, staff, home offices, office chairs and armchairs, furniture for reception areas, office partitions.


Fran's products are cabinet and upholstered furniture: bedrooms, hallways, living rooms, kitchens, as well as children's and office furniture.


Furniture store "Hoff" sells a wide range of products, including sofas, beds, wardrobes, dressers, shelves, tables, chairs, hallways and living room sets.


Furniture company "Shatura" offers customers to buy office furniture, chairs, computer tables and armchairs. The enterprises started operating in 1961.


The company "UTA" is engaged in the production of solid wood furniture for homes, offices, cafes and restaurants.


The Yana company specializes in the production of children's furniture, for example, children's rooms, car beds, bunk beds.


Offers a wide range of furniture for different rooms, including children's rooms.


The Ash factory produces products in a classic style, as well as modern cabinet furniture for the home.

Firms and companies of transportation and delivery of furniture

Currently, there are many companies on the service market for the transportation of furniture, for example:

  • "Gruzovichkoff";
  • "Delicate move";
  • Kraustina.

In the list of services of all large logistics companies there are proposals for the delivery of furniture of different types and dimensions.

Furniture assembly firms

All major furniture manufacturing companies offer assembly services.

There are also specialized furniture assembly firms. Representatives of this category of companies are Furniture Service Masters, Mebelsbor and others. Furniture assembly services are offered by separate teams of craftsmen who can be found on online message boards or online services (such as YouDo).

Inexpensive furniture firms

The production of inexpensive furniture, "Economy class" furniture is one of the most promising areas in the furniture industry. Manufacturing firms such as Finist, Corvette, Gold offer furniture at attractive prices below average.

This is only a small part of Russian furniture manufacturers. Each region has its own large factories and small manufacturers specializing in the manufacture of furniture.

Many furniture companies participate as exhibitors at the Mebel exhibition, which is annually held at the Expocentre Fairgrounds.