School furniture from manufacturers
Convenience and functionality are of particular importance in the production of school furniture.
Poor-quality school furniture can, at best, lead to increased child fatigue, bad mood and general discomfort, rejection of learning in any form.
In the worst case, reward the child with a curvature of the spine, lead to problems with posture and vision. So you need to choose your furniture very carefully.
Production, manufacture of school furniture
Making school furniture is a separate specialization. For each type of furniture for children there are GOSTs, developed taking into account all the requirements for safety and use.
Materials approved for use in the production of school furniture must be resistant to regular use of detergents and cleaning agents.
The main stages of the production process of school chairs and desks with a metal frame are as follows:
- first, pipe cutting and beveling;
- then flattening and punching occurs;
- followed by pipe bending;
- now, metal structures are fastened by welding;
- assembly and painting.
The design must comply with the physiological slopes and angles, the size and magnitude of the bends. The production of tabletops, seats and chair backs also takes place in several stages. It is important to remember that school furniture must be safe and vandal-proof.
Equipment for the production of school furniture
The production of school furniture is a special area of the furniture industry. In modern enterprises, automatic production lines operate, which allow simultaneously producing a large volume of products. The focus is on materials and quality.
When using wood, it is reinforced with a metal frame. Wood varieties are chosen as hard as possible. And the build quality is especially reliable. Due to the toxicity of materials, the use of many types of varnishes and paints is prohibited. It is hard to imagine school furniture with sharp corners, protruding bolts, screws and nuts.
Only those companies will be able to withstand the competition in this market, which will be able to combine product quality, and at the same time will surprise the consumer every year:
- new products;
- expanding a linear series;
- using new advanced production technologies.
Custom made school furniture
When creating school furniture, it is important to take into account a variety of parameters, so many models are made to order.
Individual manufacturers include the following companies:
- Training Equipment Center. Russian-Belarusian holding, was established in 2005. This year the company was registered on the supplier portal. Customers from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, the Baltic States and the European Union are actively cooperating with the Center for Training Equipment.
- The LA CLASS furniture factory has been operating since 1997. The designers of the company closely follow all the latest trends to ensure that the products are modern and stylish.
- The production company RealTorg traces its history back to 2008. Having gone through a lot of crises, the company is successfully developing, creating and certifying its own furniture. The product line, along with desks, chairs and wardrobes, includes furniture for gyms, sensory rooms, catering facilities and medical offices.
- Ormis has more than 150 models in its assortment, including special offers for higher education institutions.
- Omsk factory "Mebelea" will pay special attention to product safety. All furniture is certified and executed strictly in accordance with GOST.
School furniture factories
Large factories provide a comprehensive supply of all the necessary models of school furniture.
Of the factories operating on the Russian market, one can single out:
- production company Vital. The office is located in Moscow, the central warehouse is in Solnechnogorsk, Moscow region. The company's divisions are located in Kazan, Krasnodar, Rostov-on-Don, Voronezh, Nizhny Novgorod and Saratov. Vital produces student tables, chairs, and transforming tables. The catalog contains furniture for computer science offices, libraries, dining rooms, assembly halls. There is also a large selection of school boards: magnetic and non-magnetic, movable, swivel, demonstration stands, boards with a lined surface. Educational institutions from 8 countries of the world cooperate with the enterprise. During the work, 51,300 objects were equipped with the company's products;
- MEB-FF company. The organization has been manufacturing furniture for over 15 years. The product line is annually replenished with new samples. The company is located in Moscow, the warehouse complex is located in Khimki on the Leningradskoe highway. & Nbsp; The product line from MEB-FF Company now includes about 4000 items, 20 different colors. Now the factory is ready to offer school furniture in the colors Milk Oak, Italian Walnut, Oxford Cherry, Wenge, Milk Oak, light gray. Depending on the configuration, you can choose single, double and student sets;
- Quorus company. Has been working in the school furniture market since 1999. Kvorus is the official representative of a large manufacturing company LLC Rosmetall, which develops new items for school furniture in its own design bureau. The company's discount policy offers free shipping when ordering a certain amount, as well as furniture assembly and other offers. The company offers posture transforming tables, student desks and school chairs, furniture for computer classes and teachers' rooms, canteens, libraries, offices, halls and wardrobes. The Kvorus company is a member of the official resource of the Moscow Government “Supplier Portal”.
Wholesale of school furniture
Ïåðåâîä òåêñòîâ Èñõîäíûé òåêñòNa rynke optovoy prodazhi shkol'noy mebeli mozhno vydelit' sleduyushchiye kompanii:
- PK «Kontsept». Kompaniya predlagayet party «Kontsept», «Prestizh», «Lider», «Alfavit» i obshirnyy vybor shkol'nykh stul'yev;
- «Bukva» – rabotayet na rynke boleye devyati let, imeyet khoroshiye pozitsii po vsey Rossii;
- Komus-Opt. Tsentr optovoy distributsii. Rabotayet s 2004 goda, predstavlena v 13-ti regionakh Rossii. V yeye lineyke shkol'noy mebeli seychas boleye 25 naimenovaniy tovarov.
Postavshchiki i proizvoditeli shkol'noy mebeli na vystavke
Na vystavke «Mebel'» predstavleny proizvoditeli i postavshchiki shkol'noy mebeli iz raznykh gorodov Rossii i mira.
Naprimer, «SP mebel'» predlagayet ne tol'ko shirokiy assortiment shkol'noy mebeli, no i modeli dlya detskikh sadov. Predpriyatiye bylo sozdano na baze «Eksperimental'nogo zavoda DSP» v gorode Sergeyev Posad.
OOO «Poleznyye Tekhnologii» yavlyayetsya eksklyuzivnym predstavitelem fabrik Astek-Elara (Rossiya) i TCT Nanotes Co. Ltd (Tayvan'). Kompaniya predlagayet ergonomichnuyu mebel', spetsial'no rasschitannuyu na detey. Za schet osobykh mekhanizmov transformatsii vo vremya ispol'zovaniya mebeli u rebenka proiskhodit profilaktika blizorukosti, skolioza, i osteokhondroza.
Gruppa kompaniy «Demi» predlagayet sovremennyye party-transformery iz massiva dereva i drugiye varianty detkoy mebeli.
Bol'she o shkol'noy mebeli: proizvodstve, proizvoditelyakh, fabrikakh, postavshchikakh mozhno uznat' na yezhegodnoy vystavke «Mebel'».
Mebel'naya stenka ot proizvoditelyaShkafy v Moskve ot proizvoditelya
Proizvoditeli shkafov
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The following companies can be distinguished on the school furniture wholesale market:
- PC "Concept". The company offers desks "Concept", "Prestige", "Leader", "Alphabet" and an extensive selection of school chairs;
- "Bukva" - has been on the market for over nine years, has a good position throughout Russia;
- Comus-Opt. Wholesale distribution center. It has been operating since 2004 and is represented in 13 regions of Russia. Its line of school furniture now includes more than 25 items.
School furniture suppliers and manufacturers at the exhibition
At the Furniture exhibition manufacturers and suppliers of school furniture from different cities of Russia and the world are represented.
For example, "SP mebel" offers not only a wide range of school furniture, but also models for kindergartens. The enterprise was established on the basis of the "Experimental chipboard plant" in the city of Sergeev Posad.
Poleznye Tekhnologii LLC is the exclusive representative of Astek-Elara factories (Russia) and TCT Nanoteñ Co. Ltd (Taiwan). The company offers ergonomic furniture specially designed for children. Due to the special transformation mechanisms during the use of furniture, the child is prevented from myopia, scoliosis, and osteochondrosis.
The group of companies "Demi" offers modern transforming desks made of solid wood and other options for children's furniture.
More about school furniture: production, manufacturers, factories, suppliers can be found at the annual exhibition Mebel.